Chapter 9 - shibuya began

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Shibuya incident arc

9:15 P.M at tokyo metro station

You and the mei mei team are heading down the escalator and to the fukutoshin line platform. You jumped with ease and landed safely on your feet. You took your time to catch your breath before turning around to look at itadori and the other two.

"Itadori, i will go on and check the others. I will be back." You said while placing your hand on his shoulder in reassurance. The pink haired was feeling hesitant about your idea, he let out a soft sigh, placing his hand on top of yours in agreement.

"Okay.. please keep safe okay?" He replied and you gave him a nod before backing away.

"Later, i'll see you three!" You exclaimed with a small wave and they returned it back. You started running and leaving the station.

'I will have to meet my sister and maki just as we planned earlier in the afternoon.' You thought.

As you made your way almost to the exit yet it was still a bit far, but then you suddenly stopped when you heared some gurgling sounds behind you, you let out a huge sigh in frustration and already knew to whom you're going to deal with right now at this time.

'Of course, this is going to happen.' You grumbled under your breath before turning around. It was a cursed spirit with plenty of eyes and was 4x bigger than your figure.

"Since i'm lazy right now, i'll make sure to find a way to finish this quick." You said nonchalantly as you tightened the brass knuckles on your fingers.

You grabbed your nunchuck and twirls it around, and without wasting any time, you whirled around and plunged at the creature, landing hard forces of hit on the curse's upper body making its purple bloods splash on your face but you couldn't care less at all. You landed on your feet as you slid away.

'Tch this isn't enough, i'll make sure it'll die.' You thought to yourself while wiping the blood around your face.

You spun around and at the same time, you jumped kicked the curse to the wall making a huge break noises.

"Guaahhhrgh!!" the curse grunts and slumped in agony, you quickly passed your nunchuck under your arm and around waist. You narrowed your eyes on the curse's movement, the plenty of eyes were now getting bigger.

"A second batch? Nah i won't let that happen." You exclaimed as you started dashing towards the curse without wasting anymore time again.

You stopped in front of the curse and started slashing the curse's eyes with the hardened tip of your nunchuck along with endless punches on your other free hand.


"Gladly that was successful." You mumbled under your breath as you started running away from that spot after successfully killing the cursed spirit.

After a few minutes, you stopped running for a while to catch your breath. You were breathing heavily in exhaustion about what just happened after the encounter. You rested your back against the wall, you were already in the station, luckily in a hidden spot.

You lifted your head quick after hearing voices in the distance. You quietly took a peek, and your eyes widened in disbelief and shock at what you're seeing.

"Gojo sensei?" You muttered under your breath. There was a long haired man with a stitch on his forehead who were walking towards gojo.

"Yo! satoru!

"It's been a while."



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This is it. It's happening. See you in the next chapter!

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