Chapter 25 - nap

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The three of you began to walk, you and yuji were casually talking about something while choso was following behind you two. After few minutes, you spotted a bench, though it was slightly destroyed but you took the opportunity to sit and rest for a while.

"Maybe a little nap will help." You mumbled to yourself before yawning. It's almost 12am, you have no idea where the others are, but gladly you were stick with yuji and choso.

You sat down on the edge of the bench just in case the two wanted to sit as well. You rested your arm on the rail before laying your head on top of it.

"Sleepy?" You jumped the slightest when you heard choso's sudden voice. You looked up to see him looking down at you from behind.

You paused for several seconds before replying "It's been a long night. So— yeah i am." Your voice was almost audible, and you laid your head on top of your arm again before slowly closing your eyes.

Hopefully there's no one or cursed spirits coming on your way even just for now, because your drowsiness is winning. This was also your first time sleeping without being reminded by your sensei, gojo.


"Okay folks! Go to sleep, classes and missions starts early tomorrow!" Gojo told everyone with a huge grin while clasping his hand on the side of his face.

All of you nodded and went to each of your dorms before gojo closed the corridor's lights.


The memory starts invading your mind, you missed everyone and especially your sister, nobara. You may be her adoptive sister but... by heart, she is your real sister. You missed the days when there's only normal missions coming, a battle between tokyo and kyoto students, and some vs mild cursed spirits in an abandoned buildings and etc.

And unexpectedly, ended up here in shibuya, a risky battle that involves stealing ones' lives seriously that cannot be taken back. Being separated to one another, being far away from your other friends.

And then back to reality, a single tear streamed down your other eye despite it being closed. Yuji was resting his back against the wall nearby, and choso was now beside you, however there's still a gap in between.

He's always trying his best to give you space so that you will not feel uncomfortable. Difficult to admit, he really wants you closer.

Watching you slowly drifting off to sleep with your head resting on your arm.

'What if her arm will get numb.' Choso thought to himself in concern, he was thinking deeply.

His eyes drifted to his little brother who was sitting nearby, he can tell that yuji was also attempting to sleep for a while. Choso looked back at your small sleeping form, feeling hesitant first but decided to do so..

He gently lifted your head and scooped you closer, then he placed your head on his shoulder instead. You stirred lightly in your sleep, and he can feel that you were now more comfortable in this position. He was very nervous, his heart was about to jump.

"Looks like i have to wait for them to wake up again." Choso muttered to himself and remained sitting there, making sure not to move so your sleep won't get disturbed. And besides, he's not sleeping after all.

The place was now quiet while the other cursed spirits' dead forms was still around but he couldn't care less. The only thing he can hear was your soft breathing, the corner of his lip slightly curled up, and a pink tint was plastered on his cheeks... which was very super rare to him.

He never experienced something like this before. Also because jogo and mahito was the one who was always around him which he finds annoying.

Shaking that thoughts off, his mind drifted back to you and yuji. Still not believing that he fought the two of you hours ago and which you almost died.

Shaking that thoughts off again, he closed his eyes, trying to recall that one memory in a picnic table with you and his little brothers instead.

Suddenly, all of that disappeared when a random voice echoed around that made you snapped out from your sleep.

"I don't see megumi."

"Am i the first one here?"

The blonde haired guy said loudly, who was wearing a traditional attire. A dark kimono with a white long sleeved shirt underneath. You immediately rose from the bench and choso did the same. It was naoya zenin.

"Who's that?" You asked and yuji also jogged towards the two of you.

"He was talking about fushiguro?" Yuji asked in an alert hushed tone. You gulped and agreed "he just mentioned megumi's name though." You replied slightly getting frustrated, you didn't even completed your nap yet, and yet there's another one came.

You looked up at the guy again who was standing in the distance. Then naoya spotted the three of you, his face turned serious but the arrogance was still visible. He didn't really recognize you three.

"What are you three doing? You totally stand out. So don't you want to run?" Naoya said coldly before he slowly approached.

You raised and furrowed your other eyebrow, giving him a side eye. "Huh? Run?" Yuji replied slightly surprised and confused.

"Huh? Don't you know?" The blonde guy replied. The three of you had no idea what's going on and who the hell he is.

He's part of the zenin clan

"Huh?" Choso replied as well in confusion. Meanwhile, you were starting to feel amused. "Huh?" You also decided to add.

'No seriously, what the hell does he want?' You thought to yourself in your head.

Almost about to laugh but the guy spoke again. "My business here is megumi. So i don't care if you live or die." He said and stopped in front of the three of you.

"But I can't have you scampering around, so i'll start by breaking your legs." Naoya claimed which made your amusement died and replaced into seriousness and anger.

Choso quickly grabbed the back of your uniform just in case. 'This guy.' Choso thought and grunted to himself.

"What do you want with fushiguro!?" Yuji questioned with a frown.

"I think i'll have him die! But it'll help if he wrote a little something first!" Naoya replied with an arrogant grin from ear to ear.


To be continued and see you in the next chapter!!

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To be continued and see you in the next chapter!!

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