Chapter 37 - culling game about to start

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"What was that about?" Yuki regarded with deep curiosity.

"I needed to go back to the fight club."

"Is something wrong?" Choso's brow raised in skepticism.

"I don't know, i have to go there now so i'll find out." With your final words, you slid the walkie-talkie inside your pocket again before turning on your heels.

"We will see you later!" You waved them off and starts running, on the way to leave master tengen's place once again.

It's gonna take long again, hoping you wouldn't encounter that kashimo again

Choso and yuki watched as you run away. He gave yuki a sideway glance "I have to follow her."

"Hah? You sure? But we were chosen to guard here." She replied.

"It isn't gonna take long." Choso sighed impatiently before leaving her gaze.


"You have my permission to go." Tengen chimed in calmly while folding their arms like they usually does all the time.

Choso blinked, feeling relieved. "Okay, thank you." His voice was calm, and you were already a bit too far, almost being out of their sights. He starts following you without you knowing.


You finally got there, yet. You were passing through the same area where you had encountered kashimo. And you noticed that the fight between kashimo and panda was still ongoing, and panda was on his beast mode and being so pissed, but you can't help but find it quite amusing.

You cannot take panda too seriously, just like he does to you.

"Go giant panda! You can do it!" You whispered and cheered at him silently.

Not wishing to interfere or attract their attention, you decided to take a different path and make a shortcut to avoid them and not disrupting their battle, or else kashimo will implicate you.

Meanwhile choso eyes's were never leaving your form, he was following you the whole time but he maintained his distance so he won't look like a creep while following a girl, you.

He tried to keept his cool but he was getting exhausted deep down because the walk was taking longer.

"Wait am i going to the right pat— oh yeah." You started sprinting and stopped when you heard itadori's muffled voice from your walkie-talkie inside your pocket.

"Y/n where are you now?" He was sounding panicked, so you panicked too slightly.

"I'm almost there!" You replied and started sprinting again, you have no idea what's currently happening there, and your heart started beating fastly.

Choso was a bit surprised when you were all of a sudden in a rush. He remained walking from a distance while kept following you. "What's happening.." he mumbled worriedly while keeping an eye on you.

You soon reached your destination, but no, you couldn't find any one of them. You grabbed the walkie-talkie "itadori, where are you and megumi!?"

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now