6 - I'm Not Living On My Own: The Ocean Man

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The aftermath of being sent back to the Underworld Realm showed on my face as I had my moment on the floor, groaning indecipherable nonsense.

After a little break to recollect myself, we arrived in front of room 107. This long hallway is for male dorm rooms.

Wow. This hallway is long... as Hell... Heh...

"Recommendation: Self-Destruct." Diva said in a robotic voice yet has a tone of disappointment.

Oh shut up, Diva.

"Don't be too surprised about your roommate." Madam Cloud said.

"What, is my roommate like... not a humanoid?" I said, starting to name out possibilities. "A giant wolf? A horse? An elephant? Or might it be something out of an H. P. Lovecraft novel?"

"You'll see." Madam Cloud responded.

I continue naming out guesses as she opens the door. I mean how bad could it be? I've stared at the face of death twice already and it's only been... not even a week. This does NOT look good for me if this keeps up.

"Or maybe a slime? Would be pretty cool to see through a guy... literally. Or is my roommate more aquatic? Fish person? Manta ray person would look cool. Or they could even be-" I continued naming out things which were cut short as the door revealed the roommate himself on the sofa looking at the TV, seemingly having forgotten that he was going to have someone over. He was mid-bite into his sandwich when his eyes turned towards the door.

"SHARK HEAD! YEAH, BABY! I WAS ABOUT TO SAY IT!" is what I wanted to say while throwing my hands in the air but I simply turned to Madam Cloud and said "Shark head. I was about to say that."

My roommate was a large man, although not as large as "a grappler in fighting games" big. He was the same age as me. He was built and muscular, wide shoulders, big damn arms from the angle we had... He was built quite athletically. He was like a jock. From the neck up, it was a shark head. Below the neck, it was a human with a few shark limbs like a tail.

He wore a simple white sleeved shirt with dark jeans and, around his thick shark neck, a blue amulet which depicted the symbol of a wave.

Across one of his eyes was a nasty scar, giving him and even more threatening look. Not that he wasn't already with the shark head and all.

"I finally have a roommate for you." Madam Cloud stated, gesturing to me.

I saw him rapidly get to the door, he was behaving... not as threateningly as I thought. Is this a threatening but harmless type character?

I put my hand up and greeted him with a smile.

"Lucas Owens. Nice to meet you...?"

"Fergus. Fergus Kai." He said shyly as he shook my hand, dwarfing my hand in the process.

I turned to look to my side but Madam Cloud wasn't there.

"I hope you two get along!" Madam Cloud screams from the other side of the hallway, speeding away.

I get it. She really wants to have some time with her children again. That's fair.

"I hope you don't mind me being your roommate, Kai. Can I call you Kai?" I said.

"I don't mind at all. It was getting a bit lonely." Kai replied. "Kai works fine."

"Lonely? Don't you have friends, Kai?" I asked.

"I don't." Kai replied sadly. I could almost see a rain cloud appear above his head.

Yikes, looks like I messed up there.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now