26 - A Spider's Thread (Do You Know?)

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She reached out and I pulled her up. I glanced at El who was laying unconscious on the floor.

In front of us, a few Werebeasts approached us. There were about a dozen around us right now and more incoming.

"If we kill all of them quick enough, they won't be able to harm her!" I explained my plan, gripping my weapon tightly with a smile slowly creeping up my face.

Mass Destruction - Persona 3

I raised my demonic right hand and shot my [Chains of Holy Fire]. Lighting them up, I swung at the Werebeasts. It went through two of them cleanly before stopping at the third. My chains wrapped around the third Werebeast before tightening and crushing it, dealing with another one.

I turned to scan behind me and see that Azrael is holding her own very well but more is heading towards her.

I run and jump over a Werebeast, hitting it on the head with my slab of concrete. While I jumped, I saw a Werebeast starting to swing at Azrael with its sharp claws.

I switch my concrete slab from my left hand to my right. I use the momentum from my jump to turn and sweep the Corrupted before stomping it.

Before my hit could even connect, I felt a weight added to my back which stopped me in my tracks.

I look up, in a purple dust cloud from the slain Werebeast, I see that Azrael simply used me to jump over and slash the enemy.

"Thanks for the assist!" She exclaimed.

This new party combat thing is surely something I'll have to get used to...

I got back up and switched back to a reverse grip now on my right hand.

It feels wrong to use a reverse grip but, with this thing, it's just better. I even designed it after the Junkyard Dog MK.1... No matter how many times I try to use my blunt sword, I can't use it properly left-handed without the help of my [Notational Execution] skill. I guess it's just how I've seen swordsmanship though my many, many years of watching anime... I'm even left-handed! I'm supposed to be doing better at using my left hand in combat!

"Ugh..." El groaned, sitting up. "What happened?"

She opened her eyes and took a look around. She was confused.

"Oh! Good morning! Get ready." I said to El. "We're in the middle of a fight."

"What is going on? Why is the grass purple!?" El exclaimed.

"No time to explain." I replied, maneuvering to the [Party] screen.

Azrael didn't seem to notice. So they can't see my [System]. That's good for privacy at least.

"W-What the hell is this!?" El gasped confusedly, staring at the screen in front of her.

"Later." I said, turning back to pay attention to the Werebeasts. "We're in a little pinch:"

[Elaina Cloud Has Joined The Party!]

My [Party] screen updated to display the newest member.


1. Lucas Owens - Level 3 - Leader

2. Azrael Flare - Level 4 - Warrior

3. Elaina Cloud - Level 2 - ?

"It's asking me to pick a class." El stated.

"Just pick whatever you think fits you best." I said, gripping the concrete handle of my sword.

"Alright." Nodded El, scrolling through the options.

My [Party] menu updated once more.


To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now