8 - Heavenly Flame: Be Just or Be Dead

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She stared at me, looking at me with a mixture of shock and gratitude. Now that she had stood up, I could see her clearly.

She had long blonde hair which reached the floor. Not like that wouldn't change with her time locked up in this place for god knows how long. She had burning orange eyes, and barely had any... clothes... on...

Eh. The people who held her captive here had some decency to give her something at least but it wasn't much as a small cloth covering her bits. The upper part was fortunately covered by her long hair.

Thank god!

"N-No way..." She gasped. "You're bearing the curse yourself and overpowering it..."

I take off my jacket and throw it to the girl.

"You can put that on first. Then talk."

I was wearing sweatpants, a shirt and a jacket. I could give her at least that.

"Yeah..." She quietly replied, picking up the jacket from the floor.

She put it on. It covered her top half and did a good enough job at covering her lower half.

I've been desensitized to the naked body. I have taken quite a few anatomy classes and model art classes at this point. It doesn't bother me as much anymore.

"Quit staring at her, pervert!" Diva commented.

I'm not, Diva. This ape brain of mine has some automatic functions... Anyway, what's this about fusing abilities?

"The [System] somehow fused the chains with itself, giving you a new skill." Diva said.

Awesome. Each day I take another step into becoming the man I want to be.

I could hear Diva sighing disappointingly.

I pull up my [Profile].


Name: Lucas Owens

Race: Human

AP: 100

Charm: Level 1

Strength: Level 2

Wisdom: Level 1

Agility: Level 3

[Freerunner] Level 3 - A small urge in the back of your head helps guide you.

[Hollow Wanderer] Level 1 - You can access the mysterious Hollow Realm through special portals.

[Chains of Holy Fire] Level 1 - You can summon and control chains infused with Holy Fire.

Oh sweet. I have 3 skills now. I even leveled up [Freerunner] and my [Strength] stat this time. It must've happened when I killed that Corrupted.

I look at my arms and they didn't have any burn marks anymore. Huh, that's odd.

I look up back at the girl and saw her kneeling to me. That's odd.

"So what's your name?" I asked. "You have one, right?"

"My name is... No- I have lost my name long ago." She said as she clenched her fist. "I now have no name as I was betrayed by them. I will not use the name they have given me."

"My name is Lucas Owens." I replied. "Call me Lucas... Why are you kneeling?"

Suddenly, two feathery white wings burst from her back, flapping behind her. Her glowing feathers spread, covering a huge wingspan. These were the wings of an Angel.

"I am a member of the proud Angel race." She stated. "I ask of you, Lucas. As my savior, please grant me a new name."

I swear to god if her former name is Angela...

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now