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I walked towards the cafeteria, trying to shake that guy off my mind.

This is the first time I've heard someone describe themselves as an "Alpha" unironically before... And it was as embarrassing and cringe as I imagined.

Entering the lunch room, I was met with the stares of almost everybody.

Oh yeah, I'm the only human here.

Some monsters looked completely human, like John and El, while others had different, non-human body parts, like Kai. It was really interesting.

I tried to ignore their stares as I went to grab some food. This whole thing was awkward and uncomfortable.

Damn it, stop staring at me! I'm just a human!

I went through the lunch line, grabbing some items to eat. It was like a buffet but the portions were already sorted out. I got pizza and fries. Unfortunately, there were no fruit snacks. What a tragedy! There was a whole desert section but NO FRUIT SNACKS! Whatever, I picked out a portion of cheesecake. Can't go wrong with a classic cheesecake.

I arrived at the register and paid for my food.

This place even had silverware. This is some really fancy school stuff. It kind of makes me think that this isn't real. And then I remember the horrid sounds of that alarm and remember that this is definitely not a dream.

Cheesecake is hands down the best type of cake ever made. You can not change my mind.

Getting out of the lunch line, I saw John waving at me.

"Yo John!" I greeted, walking to his table. He wasn't alone as there was El too. "Hey El."

"Hey Lucas." John responded. "How's the first day? Got lost?"

"Hi Lucas!" El happily said.

"Interesting. I got help from the agenda which has a map." I said. "I can't lie though. This place is pretty damn big."

"Certainly quite a few new classes. Classes on Monsters and Corrupteds are definitely gonna have to be interesting to adapt to. Well, this is Hell after all. The priorities of classes are certainly different." I added. "I have Combat Class later today."

"Yeah, the Underworld is very obviously not that peaceful." John explained. "I think you get the point."

"In the Underworld, the only safe people are either really strong or have protection from someone strong." John continued. "My mom invited people to this school so they can get education, protection, and learn how to defend themselves either from people or the Corrupted."

"That makes a lot of sense." I thought.

I saw Kai make his way to our table, before freezing in hear as he saw the twins. Well, can't blame him. He's afraid of spiders. That would include spider people as well.

"Is he going to extort money?" I heard a student whisper. Though it wasn't much of a whisper.

"Is he gonna beat them up?"

"What's with that scary look?"

"Is he starting a fight?"

Before Kai descended further into despair from the remarks around us, I spoke up.

"Hey, big man! Come have a seat!" I said, giving him a thumbs up.

He gulped before sitting down.

These rumors were getting out of hand and irrational! He's just a big softie behind a shell of sharp razors... Yeah, on second thought, that analogy doesn't work that well...

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now