39 - Black Onslaught

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"Damian." Madam Cloud said. "You should know you can't go against me. I'm much stronger than you."

"I know." Damian scoffed. "Not him either. I could never win against either of you two in a fair fight. But I'm not stupid. This time, it's not a fair fight."

"I could easily defeat you and all your allies." Madam Cloud replied.

"You know how this is going to end. Don't even try it." John said, turning his [Halbmond] into a revolver.

From the trees surrounding the bus, about 50- No. 70? Eh, like a hundred other people appear, all ready to fight.

"I know." Damian replied. "But I have a trick up my sleeve."

Damian pulled out a blue glowing orb. It looked about the size of a tennis ball as it sat in his palm.

"Catch!" Damian yelled, throwing it at us.

"Oh no you don't!" John replied, quickly shot the ball.

The ball shatters into bits. The pieces began glowing white and rushed towards John. He began glowing white.

"Shit, a [Bail Out]!" John exclaimed.

In a swift motion, he loaded a shot in his revolver and shot the bus before he disappeared.

"What happened to him!?" I yelled. "What did you do to him!?"

"That thing actually worked!" Damian laughed. "There's one of the nuisances gone-" He smirked before he was sent flying backwards by a punch from the titan that is Madam Cloud.

That was in an instant!

Damian slowly got up on his feet.

"I doubt they'd even live against him." Damian laughed. "I could only delay him. But that gives me enough time to get my vengeance."

"I see you've picked up a more noble weapon as if it suits you." Damian pointed at my sword. "Did you throw away that junk?"

"I can beat the fuck out of you with any weapon I want." I said. "Even if I have to throw hands, I'll beat you even if you had the sword that could kill gods." I smirked. "Or do you need that crutch to even stand against me?"

Madam Cloud suddenly appeared in front of Damian.

"Don't get distracted." Madam Cloud appeared in front of him, preparing another punch.

"What the!?" Damian exclaimed. He threw another one of those balls at Madam Cloud.

She ignores it and continues her swing towards Damian.

The ball instead of dropping as I had thought, it exploded and a bunch of chains came out of it. They wrapped around her, locking her in place. Her punch was but a mere inch from his face. This wasn't a [Bail Out] orb but a...

"A [Bind] orb!?" Madam gasped.

"Mother!" El exclaimed.

"Ahahaha! That's right!" Damian laughed. "You thought I'd use the same exact trick twice!?"


A silent chuckle could be heard.

"Heh. Heheh- Hahahahah!" Madam Cloud laughed. "That was pretty clever I can tell you that." She turns her head to me. "You can deal with him. I'll make sure the students here don't get hurt."

"That is a high grade [Bind] orb. Even you would struggle to even unbind it." Damian informed her.

She inhaled and grit her teeth. She flexed her muscles, increasing the tension. She managed to move a bit in the binds out of the mid-punch pose. She took another deep breath and a purple energy started forming around her.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now