15 - Meet Again

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"There are many different kinds of monsters all throughout the Underworld." Professor Terrance stated. "The most common and unique monster is the Demon."

That makes sense. I already heard about the Great Angel-Demon War... That's still a terrible name for a war.

"There are seven different subspecies of Demons." Professor Terrance continued. "Their different manners and abilities corresponds to the Seven Deadly Sins."

"The first is Sloth. These Demons tend to try to use the least of energy as possible. Due to this, they rarely show full power unless needed." He explained.

"The next is Wrath. These Demons love to fight. They are usually incredibly violent and angry." He stated. "Gluttony Demons love to eat, and have stronger bodies that allow them to digest usually not edible foods."

"Envy Demons always want what someone else has. Many of them are thieves and tricksters, though some are honest."" He said. "There's the Greed Demons, which like to hoard items or make decisions to turn a profit. A few notable ones are some video game company CEOs like ________ and ________."

"Lust Demons are Demons that feed off the lustful desire of others through their dreams. Also known as the Succubus and Incubus, they are usually portrayed with physical lust, but they can also feed off of someone's lust for items, money and food, for example." He thoroughly explained.

"Finally, we have the Pride Demons, the most powerful Demons out there. They are incredibly confident, and our own King, Lucifer, is actually one of them" The Professor stated.

"I, myself, am actually a Demon. I am a Sloth Demon, but this coffee keeps me going." He revealed.

And that was the end of his lesson for today's class of Monster Examination.

Huh. That's interesting. Stuff like this is what makes me like Ogumo High than my old high school. We have the same stuff to learn as Midground High, but there's also so many more interesting things like this.

They say this is a small world.

But two worlds is quite the large place.

The bell rang, signifying the end of class. Everybody got out of their seats, exiting the class. The guy next to me quickly ran out as fast as he could.

I think people have been scared of me. I mean, all I did was hang out with the school's "delinquent" and beat the third strongest in the school.

Yeah, makes no sense at all.

"You are incredibly dense." Diva stated.

I was being sarcastic, Diva. Get off my ass for once.

"You haven't even caught onto the hints... And you still wouldn't have known about El's love for you if the [System] and I didn't come along." Diva retorted.

...Well, you certainly got me there. But that's still not the reason I accepted the [System]!

Anyways, onto the next class!

Second period went by pretty fast. It was all about understanding humans and how to blend in with them. It was very evident that I aced that class.

Third period went by as quickly as we learned some good ways to deal with Werebeasts, those purple Corrupted werewolves... They are such an annoyance...

Apparently, they are weak to anything Holy. That obviously includes Holy Fire. I guess my hypothesis back then was correct.

Usually people have to use a medium to use the Holy Fire, like me. The chain acts as my medium. Azrael doesn't have to though, and that's why she was ultimately sealed away. That's still such bullshit!

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now