29 - Customer Creed

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"I want you to get El a present." Madam Cloud stated.

"Wait... what?" I replied, confused by the sudden request. El had just gone to the bathroom, absent from the conversation.

"I want you to get El a present." Madam Cloud restated. "She is your girlfriend, so you should get her something to give her during the Blood Ball. Preferably something small. I want grandkids as soon as possible."

"P-Pardon!? Grandki- Madam Cloud! We're not even done with school yet! We've also only been dating for a few days! You can't just ask about this stuff out of the b-!" I exclaimed, whispering to her as to not alert anyone else about our conversation.

I was cut short as Madam Cloud pulled some money out of her purse and shoved it into my hands.

"Take this. There's  a bunch of stores over there." She stated, pointing to a nearby street. "There's plenty to get her something. Also grab yourself a souvenir. That'll be the alibi for why you left us. You can contact us afterwards.

"Uh, okay..." I replied, shoving the money into my pocket. "See you soon then."

I jogged over to the street Madam Cloud had pointed me to. Turning onto it, it was completely empty. This was a stark contrast to the rest of the busy city.

Walking across the street, I gazed at the shops. There was so many which sold different wares. There was a pet store, a candy store, an ice cream store...

"Wait, ice cream? I mean, it kind of makes sense. It's scorching hot here. I'm surprised that they can keep them frozen down here. They must have some really good freezers.

Passing the ice cream store, I continued to look for a store that might have something El would like. And that's when I found one that caught my attention.


It was a jewelry store. Jewelry is romantic, right? Diva, would you like to add your comment on that?

"Why are you asking me?" Diva questioned.

Ah right. There's no way you could ever gave a boyfriend, or any experience with romance.

"Shut up!" Diva screeched.

Is insulting you the only way to make you show emotion? The boyfriend thing is true and you can't deny it.


Ah, she's silent. The silent treatment, eh?

Walking into the store, there was only one person at the counter. The rest of the store was completely empty, similar to the street I was just on.

Man, this is really feeling like a ghost town... or more accurately, street...

I started scanning through the jewelry. Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know what kind of jewelry a girl would want. I can't just pick a random one and say "it's the thought that counts". This wouldn't go well now that she's my girlfriend and all. This isn't my specialty. I'm only good at mashing buttons and DPing in neutral. You know. Strong fundamentals.

The door opened, another person entering the store. Glancing over, it was a suspicious looking person with their face covered with a hoodie hood.

I hope nothing of note happens... I just can't help but feel something's off.

They moved over to the other side of the store, looking through the jewelry. Maybe they aren't being suspicious on purpose. You're inside, why still have your hood on? But still, I shouldn't think about it too much.

Ignoring the new arrival, I continued to look through the jewelry, but I still don't know what to get. They have so many types! There's rings, necklaces, earrings, and all of them have different designs!

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now