27 - Gathering Under Night...

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So many things happened in such a short time since the events at the church.

When I revealed to my family that I was a Nephilim, they started bowing down to me and calling me a "Miracle Child". Luckily, I got to calm them down and treat me like before. This was just way too weird.

Thanks to Azrael, I can now hide my wing and halo. My left eye was still light blue and my right was still red. I'm ending up more like Ragna The Bloodedge. I almost had my hair turned white too... That reminds me... BlazBlue: Alter Memory and NieR: Automata. I should show Azrael those too.

As for the [System]...

I haven't told the rest of my friends about the [System] yet however. I don't think I'm ready to tell all of them, especially Aqua. Just because El and Az accepted, it doesn't mean the others will.

At this point, I'm more afraid of John's reaction. How would he feel that his sister got roped into his best friend's unwanted harem? Now that I know that he is strong- Like really strong - I fear what he might do.

All of this... All of it in the span of a day... That was absolutely hectic. When I finally arrived back to Ogumo High, I immediately faceplanted into my bed, snoozing away.

Now it was Monday. School hadn't started yet and I was bored with nothing to do. So I pulled up my [Profile] out of curiosity and noticed some differences.


Name: Lucas Owens

Race: Nephilim

AP: 200

Level 4

Charm: Level 3

Strength: Level 5

Wisdom: Level 3

Agility: Level 9

[Danger Sense] - Level 14 - A warning of incoming danger and which direction it is from can be felt.

[Hollow Wanderer] - Level 3 - You can access the mysterious Hollow Realm through special portals.

[Chains of Holy Fire] - Level 8 - You can summon and control chains infused with Holy Fire

[Eagle Eye] - Level 9 - You can see farther and clearer.

[Demon Arm Beelzebub] - Level 7 - A Demonic Arm that overtakes your own upon use. Holds the mysterious pers of the old Lord of Flies.
▪[Gluttony] The full potential of the Demon Arm. Absorbs magical energy to make the arm stronger.

[Notational Execution] - Level 10 - For one who grips the reins of power and control. Suited towards Host, Lucas Owens. Overhauls combat and allows notation. Evolved from [Focus].
See more...

[Essence of Holy Fire] - Level 5 - The Heavenly Flame flows through your body for you to control at your will.

The most obvious change was my race had changed to Nephilim. And I also had much more AP than before thanks to the mission I just completed. That's 100 more AP!

A more subtle change was that most of my abilities leveled up by one for some reason.

"I believe it's because of you unlocking your Angel side, Host. It gave you a small passive boost to your abilities." Diva stated.

I guess some didn't get it because of this, huh?

I look down at my right arm, still edgy looking as ever.

"You are correct, Host." Diva answered. "The Demon Arm seems to have rejected some of the abilities' boost."

I really have to get this Demon Arm under control.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now