13 - Decision

207 10 2

(Aqua POV)



Where am I? I observed the room around me. It was blindingly white and the floors were sparkly clean, allowing to see my own reflection. I was laying in a bed, one of those medical ones you find in a hospital, or a....

Infirmary? Is this where I am? Why?


I see now.

I lost to him. To the human. Lucas Owens.


I underestimated him.


The door opened, as Madam Cloud walked into the room, sitting down on a chair besides me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"I'm f-fine, Headmaster..." I replied.

"You know you can call me Madam Cloud when we're alone." She reminded me.

I don't feel like I deserve to, but every time you insist.

"Alright, Madam Cloud." I sighed.

"Better. Now for the main topic. Why did you challenge Lucas to a match?" She wondered.

"You know why..."" I muttered, my fists tightening in anger.

No, don't think about it..

You'll only get angry...

"All humans aren't terrible, you know." Madam Cloud replied.

"They were. Every single one I met..." I growled yet something in my head reverberated.

"Don't categorize me with those up high in the corporate ladders. I still have choices." His words echoed through my consciousness.

"Not Lucas." Madam Cloud responded.

"Abd how do you know!?" I roared at her.

Ah... I shouldn't have lashed out at her...

"Because my own daughter fancies him." Madam Cloud replied calmly, as if she was unaffected by my yelling.

"You mean...?" I asked.

"Yes, Elaina is in love with him." Madam Cloud stated. "And I trust her judgement. I've talked to him myself. He may act like he does but he really is a good kid. He's just a teen like you. He just doesn't know who he wants to be yet."

Elaina. She's a good girl from what I've heard, but I've never talked to her myself.

"..." I looked away from Madam Cloud, staring at the bed sheets under me.

"You should give him a chance. I promise he isn't like the others, the ones from back then." Madam Cloud promised. "Make some more friends. You only have is Ruby."

I kept my head down. "I'm sorry..." I muttered. For lashing out... though I couldn't get myself to say those words.

"It's fine." Madam Cloud smiled.

"...Do you have a recording of the fight?" I asked.

"Do I have a recording of the fight? It's probably the easiest thing to find in the school at the moment. Everyone's talking about it! If course I have it!"

All I remember was the human suddenly appearing in front of me, punching me across the face. And then everything went dark.

If he knocked me out... at the height we were at...

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now