22 - Give Me A Break!

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[Charm] Has Leveled Up!

Apparently, leveling your charm stat is a headache to figure out the consistency.

I already checked [Affection], so now I checked the [Harem] tab.



1. Elaina Cloud - Arachnid

2. Azrael Flare - Angel of Holy Fire

3. Aquamarine Azur - Hydra Dragon

4. Ruby Faux - Kitsune

5. Empty

6. Empty

7. Empty

8. Empty

9. Empty

10. Empty

Wow. I can certainly see my premature death in the future.

[Adequate requirements met]

What is this about now?

[System shutting down...]

What the hell!?

[System shutting down...]

[System shut down.]

[System is updating.]

[Please wait for the update to complete.]


Huh. I didn't know the [System] could do that. Hopefully, when it comes back on, Diva will return.

I'm starting to feel a bit empty in my skull.

Reminder: Lucas is a Sol main.

Well, I'll just have to wait a while until it finally updates. It looks like it will be a while. It hasn't moved from 1%.

I sighed.

"Hey, what's up?" Asked John, who was sitting to my right. "We're having a celebration over your win earlier. You won! Why the sigh, man?"

I can come up with something.

"Well, I'm not going to be able to change my arm back to normal." I replied, gazing at my arm. "And I was supposed to meet my family tomorrow for the first time since coming here."

While that wasn't what I sighed about, it was still a problem that I had.

Now that I think about it, I couldn't see them these past few weeks... I broke my promise.

Doesn't look that I'm in for a good time... Illya's gonna be angry...

"Ah." John responded. "Uh... I see..."

"I can help with that!" Ruby happily replied, sitting on the other side of me.

"You can?" I asked skeptically. I raised my eyebrow at her, to make sure she could see my skepticism.

"I can!" She cheerfully confirmed. "Illusion magic~! If you take me with you to your family, I can use my illusion magic to make your arm look normal again!"

"Great. Thanks." I replied.

Well that fixes the family reunion thing. Thanks Ruby, you're a lifesaver!

Note: OH YEAH BABY! Ruby turns into the lifesaver candy.

"Hey! Take me too!" El suddenly pleaded. "I wanna see your family again!"

"I also want to meet Lucas' family!" Azrael added.

"It would be nice if I could also come..." Aqua muttered.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now