16 - [Hollow Wanderer] Is Broken! That Much I Do Know!

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My eyes have been opened! I see now! I just realized how broken my [Hollow Wanderer] skill is!

"It's a Legendary skill, Host." Diva commented.

I know that. But it allows me to teleport! Teleportation, Diva! I didn't notice when I was training for Aqua's fight but now I can see it!

Once I'm in the Hollow and want to come back, as long as I imagine a place close to where I left from, I can travel back to there! I was thinking about just dropping onto my bed when I finished my training that day! And I conveniently fell onto my bed!

It looks like there's a range limit though... So I can't teleport from class to class. Yet.

I could even do a portal jump attack! I attack, jump into a portal, appear back, attack... Repeat! That sounds like it'd look so cool!

"One problem with that, Host: You can't see what is going on in the Underworld." Diva informed.

Boo-hoo, Diva! You always ruin my dreams! Who cares anyway! There is no super long cooldown! I can just immediately open another portal once I'm in there! There's also levels on [Hollow Wanderer]! I can possibly decrease the cooldown and increase the Positional Drift range!

"Positional Drift?" Diva wondered.

Yeah, Positional Drift. That's what I decided to call it.

"..." Diva sighed. "...It works."

Damn. Thanks Diva.

I could feel the sarcasm in her disembodied voice.

Maybe one day I can use the Hollow to traverse from one end of the Underworld to the other...

"I have yet to be informed about the possibilities of the skill." Diva informed. "I do know that, when a skill reaches a certain level, it can evolve and unlock more abilities."

...So you're telling me there's hope!

I stood in my dorm room, a glowing purple portal in front of me. I needed to get stronger. Just in any case that anything else happens. After all, this is nowhere close to my goal.

I can fuel my training with one of the forbidden pre-workouts: Hate!

I really don't trust Damian. He's threatened me once and he's the strongest student. He's just so incredibly arrogant. Even with my countless days consuming manga and novels, I haven't cringed nearly as close as to hearing Damian unironically calling himself an "Alpha". Ugh... That just twists my stomach even thinking about it...

Even if I don't get an excuse to wreck his shit, I might as well get stronger. Especially since my [System] is forcing me to make a Monster Harem™. It's going to be tough to manage them without any powers... I guess it comes with great power: great big... I shouldn't finish that.

I take off the casts on my arms. Ah... That feels better. It feels good to not have those on anymore.

I'll be fine this time. I'm properly prepared.

I walked through the portal, appearing in the eerie Hollow Realm. It's just as spooky as before. That reminds me... Halloween comes up in a couple weeks.

A growl reached my ears. Looking to the strangely colored forest to my right, I saw a Werebeast Corrupted stalk out of it.

I pull out my [Deathbane Bow] and shoot it with a bone arrow. As I haven't used my arms in a while due to them being in a cast, I manage only to scratch the Werebeast with the arrows.

A mere few scratches didn't do much to stop the Werebeast as it continues its charge towards me.

I summon my [Chains of Holy Fire] and dodge the Werebeast's flurry of swiped with its razor sharp claws. I wrap my chains around the Corrupted and manage to restrict it. It falls to the ground flat on its face.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now