24 - Subhuman...?

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I walked into the church, El and Azrael shortly following behind.

I've been here before. I can feel it. But I don't remember it.

"Why does this place feel so familiar...?" I muttered to myself.

"I haven't been inside of a church for so long..." Azrael marveled, looking around.

"Looks like this place was abandoned shortly after your parents moved out." El commented.

"Yeah. I always did wonder how the church was abandoned..." I replied.

As you would expect of an abandoned place, vines were growing all over the church. I wonder if God hated my family for leaving... Oh yeah. They wouldn't know since they locked the gates to Heaven long ago. "Nothing comes in. Nothing comes out.

I walked through the main hall, touching each wooden seat. Every single grain of wood felt familiar. Why was this so familiar?

This isn't coincidence. Something is going on.

I walked up to the podium. Examining it, it still felt familiar to me.

I stood on the stage, looking at the whole church from this angle. The wooden seats, the stone walls, the stained glass murals. They were so familiar.

I examined the stained glass windows. They seemed to show figures. There was 13 stained glass windows but most of them were broken, shattered from erosion through time.

The right and left wall had 10 in total and the middle had 3 big ones.

There was a figure of a mainly yellow and orange which displayed a warrior enveloped in holy light. One had a person praying with a cross in their hands Another one showed a sly fox. And another one showed a web with a girl too comfortable to be trapped in. One was of a fire breathing dragon. The other ones on the sides were all broken or indecipherable due to the condition. This is way too perfect. It's too much for a coincidence.

The middle ones were mostly intact. One had a black hand reaching towards a light which had the background of a spider's web. On the back of that hand was a crescent moon. Another one displayed a big wave and tentacles rising from the depths. This one was half broken and only showed that much. The final one was the image of a lone man kneeling, looking upwards towards the heavens. He had one of his arms reach out towards the light while the other was in his shadow. He had one wing and half of a halo above his head.


"A Nephilim..." Muttered Azrael, paying attention to the middle figure of the man with the half halo.

"What?" I asked.

"A Nephilim. That's what it is portraying. It's the child of an Angel and a Human. They're a legend for us Angels." Azrael explained.

"I see." I responded. So Angels have their own legends.

"It doesn't happen often thought. Most times, Angels who do it get kicked out of Heaven and become Fallen Angels." Azrael continued. "At least according to the legends."

"Does that mean you can fall?" El asked curiously.

"I can't." Azrael answered, shaking her head. "There isn't even a Heaven for me to be kicked from."

"Are Nephilim always delivered to churches?" I wondered.

"No. The legends say they were killed. After all, they contain the power of an Angel but don't retain the weakness on one. They're potentially incredibly dangerous. That is if there are even any around."

"Less likely now that it's been 1000 years since the Angels died." Azrael sadly added.

I patted her back. "It's not your fault." I told her.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now