32 - Queen of Red, Like Roses II

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(Rose POV)

Today is the day. The most important day of my life so far.

I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure I looked good for the party. Even if today wasn't one I was looking forward to. As a princess, I still have to keep up my appearances.

I placed the bat earrings into my ears, topping off my outfit. Doing one final check, I spun around and deemed that I looked pretty nice. Moving into my room, I looked out the window.

The buildings and roads below seem so small from here.

I turn and walk to my computer, my little war machine, and feel the keys of my keyboard.

Would my future fiancé accept this side of me? Who out of those high class Vampires with a silver spoon stuck so high up their ass wouldn't freak out if they learned the princess liked things such as this?

Humans' game and entertainment culture isn't normalized in Vampire society yet. I am probably one of the only Vampires that like these things.

My door opened as my mother walked in.

"Hey Honey." She softly greeted.

"Hey mom." I replied, sighing.

"It's almost time. Are you ready?" She asked.

"Not really." I responded, sitting on my chair.

"Get out of your room, honey. It's your birthday after all." She stated. "And you have to choose a fiancé too."

"But I don't want to! Who out of all of those people out there could possibly accept the otaku side of me?" I exclaimed.

"Huh? 'Otaku'?" She said confused before sighing. "I know, honey. I know. Neither me or your father want this for you, but it's been a Vampire Royalty tradition for centuries. The people would be up in arms about it." Mom explained, sitting down on my bed.

"Even if they accepted this side of me, who says they won't just turn a blind eye just to have a chance at being married into the royal family?" I reasoned.

"I'm sure not all of them are like that." She leaned back on my bed. "Are you sure that none of them interest you, honey?"

I took a moment to think about the list of the Vampire men that I've skimmed through and nothing interested me at all. Although something echoed through my head. That guy.

He's passionate with what he likes. ✓

He put his life on the line for me. ✓

He's strong. ✓

He likes the same things!

SFX: jackpot sound effect

What's this feeling again? It's like on that night.

"Oooh~! You got someone in mind, don't you." Mom teased.

"What are you talking about?" I grumbled.

"There's totally somebody. I'm your mother." She responded. "Even so, your expression just gave it away."

"Fine. I guess it's just... a small crush...? Not like it would work anyway. He's not a vampire." I signed.

"Hey... I said the tradition requires you to choose a fiancé, but I never said that included that he also needed to be a vampire." She revealed.

A flash, a spark of hope. I felt it throughout my body. This feeling... I can't deny it now, right? He saved me after all... And his smile... I do have a little crush on him after all... But it's just a crush! I can't just rush in blindly!

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