38 - Unrestful

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"This is not possible! How did we lose all of the other buses if they were following us!?" I asked.

This can't be... Either we're working with dumbasses or something else entirely.

"We might've taken a wrong turn somewhere. It's strange but I was sure we were headed in the right direction." The bus driver stated.

"We're going to have to figure something out. It's strange that we not only got lost but also are missing the other buses." I sighed, standing up and pulling out my phone. "Tch. I knew it."

"It looks like I can't get connection. There isn't any signal. There isn't even emergency dial available." El stated, trying to search up directions.

I looked over at Rose. Her video couldn't play anymore due to the lack of connection. She takes a big stretch.

"Signal's down. Emergency too. This is too weird." I analyzed. "Still, we cannot stay still. I think we should move forwards till we get to a gas station or something. Whatever so we can pinpoint our location."

"Look at you, Son-In-Law!" Madam Cloud exclaimed. "You sound like a real leader!"

"The weekends at Rose's were a pain but they ended up working. I guess that old man was right: I'm way too damn stupid to rule a kingdom." I sighed. "But a small group, it appears I can manage at least that."

I reached into my [Inventory] and took out my [Iron Sword].

I turned towards the rest of the bus.

"Ready your weapons. I believe this might be a setup." I announced to the bus. "It's just a feeling, a hunch. But still... I refuse to take any chances."

The other students in the bus got their weapons from their bags.

Azrael already had her sword on her. Now that I think about it, she never goes anywhere without it. She cherishes it dearly. It's one of the only things she has from back before everything in her life had completely changed.

John doesn't use any weapon in particular and he uses his [Halbmond] anyway.

El, Aqua and Rose don't have weapons as they have all they need. El's role is a [Trapper] so she only really needs her webs. Aqua throws hands and Rose is kind of a martial artist.

As for Ruby, she's a [Trickster]. She offers support. It doesn't look like she has any weapons on her-

From her pocket, she had pulled out a pair of brass knuckles.

Nevermind then.

For Illya though... I think her gorilla strength is more than enough. She's an exorcist. Mom and dad must've taught her well... I hope.

Illya grips her cross necklace near to her chest before letting go of it. I can only assume it's a prayer for our safe travels.

I sat back down back at the Mahjong table.

"Well, y'all feel like a little more Mahjong?" I asked.

"After that massacre, I don't think I will." El stated, leaning back in her seat. "It was more just a fight between you two monsters."

"I think I'll be on the lookout. There is a threat of an enemy attack. Isn't that right, 'leader'?" John teased smugly. "What else can I do but take in this scenery? We're just entering the best part of the Underworld's forest. It's not like we have any cell service anyway."

"He's right. Now that our phones don't work..." Ruby got close and whispered into my ear from behind. "You can now focus your attention on something else."

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now