31 - Color Your Night

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"We're back here again, huh?" I muttered.

Back in the cyberpunk-esque capital, I took a moment to take in the surroundings once more. The lights of the city brightened the dark night. The night was young and lively... But something... Something is telling me something's wrong. Anyways, the whole group was here, amidst the bustling night life of Lilith. Although, one of us was not there.

On this evening on October 31st, was the Blood Ball. The event starts at 10 for some reason, and we're here one hour early... for some reason. I feel excited to be able to go to such a fancy event. But I still can't shake off this uneasiness.

I've only went to a few dances, like the High School Homecoming, but I was never good at dancing. And this was something on a whole other level! What if they expect something with elegance and fluidity from my robotic and stiff dancing? I got a bit of training with El a few days ago. I got the hang of it quickly but she was absolutely brutal in showing me every mistake I had made.

"You've certainly had some interesting experiences these past few days..." Diva mentioned.

Diva's here too. She has to be. She's in my head after all.

We, except the obvious, wore some fancy clothes. I'm wearing the ones that I had picked out a Kira Sharp. It was a fancy three-piece with a coat. I decided to keep it simple with black and white. The design takes a lot from Hazama's outfit. I got the hat too but I decided to not wear it.

You already know that I had this modified with an unorthodox amount of belts!

Note: This is the snake boy, Hazama.

This place, Hell, - If you can believe it - was hot

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This place, Hell, - If you can believe it - was hot. Terribly scorching. So hot you could cook an egg on the hood of a normal car. I wouldn't consider the cars in Hell to be normal with all the modifications. You could probably cook a steak, y'know... start a barbecue with the heat coming off of the hoods of these "normal" cars Hell has to offer. So damn hot that you probably don't need to clean it since it always is sterilized.

"So why are we here?" I asked.

"Well, the only transport to the Alucard Empire is through the train in Lilith. Or would you like to walk all the way there?" Smiled Madam Cloud.

Would certainly take a while through the desert of the Underworld. So I definitely wouldn't like to.

Looking around at our group, I noticed that, to my left, Kai was shaking.

"Hey. You good, man?" I asked him as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I-I'm okay. I'm j-just scared of... large cities..." Kai stuttered.

Great... Large crowds. That's a no-go.

"It'll be fine, Kai." I smiled, patting his shoulder. "We're all here with you."

"Thanks... Lucas." Smiled Kai.

I turned back to face the road when my arm was grabbed.

"Lucas! Pat me too!" Ruby demanded, my hand in hers'.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now