23 - Haven't You Got Eyes In Your Head?

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"Why does it say that Illya is your first child? She's younger than me!" I demanded.

Mom gasped. "Oh honey..."

Illya and Dad looked away, avoiding my gaze.

"I'm adopted, right?" I asked.

"Honey... Yes... You're adopted..." Mom confirmed.

There. The final nail in the coffin. I finally got confirmation on this silly game of hiding the truth despite it being so obvious from the start... So why?





Why do I find this so funny?

"Took you long enough!" I laughed. "It only took you sixteen years! You guys! This is the worst secret you could've hidden!"

"Well that's good, Honey." Dad said to Mom. "At least he's taking it well. He isn't angry about it."


"Even if I'm adopted, you guys are still my family. I wouldn't bust my arse off otherwise." I said.

"How did you find out?" Mom asked.

"I'm not blind, Mom." I responded. "Blonde hair, white hair, black hair." I pointed to their colors of their hair before pointing my thumb to me.

I have more questions than answers now. Who am I really? Maybe that can help answer my questions about why I have this [System]. Maybe... my birth family was connected to the supernatural.

"So Mom, Dad... Who am I? Where did I come from?"

The room was completely silent, before Mom finally answered my question.

"I don't know." She revealed.

"What?" I responded, surprised and confused.

"I don't know. It was many years ago when we had found you in the church." Mom clarified.

"A church..." I muttered. "Is it the one you and Dad were apart of years ago?"

"Yes." She confirmed. "Let me tell you the whole story."

She turns to the others.

"Please go to the other room for a bit. This is personal." Mom said.

"Of course, Mrs. Owens." John answered, taking my friends into the other room.

"It was twelve years ago, back when Illya was only three. We used to live at a church. Your father was a priest and I was a nun as you know." Mom explained. She showed me her cross necklace she wore.

That certainly has some implications. Anyway, I wonder how they would react if they knew Azrael was a literal Angel...

"One morning, when we woke up, we found a four year old boy in the church. He was just wandering around, extremely confused. He had no idea where he was." Mom continued.

"When we asked him where his family was, he replied that he didn't know his family. The poor boy couldn't remember anything. He had amnesia." Mom stated.

"That little boy was you. We searched all over the town for your family, but they were nowhere to be found. We think they abandoned you and you developed amnesia from facing that trauma at a young age." Mom explained.

"So we decided to take you in, and make you our son. It was then we moved from the church. We were already thinking about it after we had Illya, but you reinforced that decsion." Mom finished.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now