25 - Out of The Box

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"Heheh..." I laughed before going into a serious tone. "There has to be more. This can't be all."

"...I was sealed for 1000 years..." Azrael muttered, still shocked.

I started looking around, until I looked at the sword and staff.

"Those have to be something at least." I reasoned.

I checked the staff but nothing happened.

I turned to the sword. The moment I touched it, the sword suddenly started crumbling, revealing a real sword beneath and in pristine condition at that.

"No way... That's my sword!" Azrael exclaimed, breaking out of her thoughts.

I grabbed the longsword and tossed it to Az.rael

"Then you should have it." I said.

Suddenly, a new mission screen popped up in front of me.

[Mission] - Survive in the Hollow for one hour.

[Reward] - 60 AP

[Punishment] - Death

[Time] - One hour

[Bonus] - Gain 2 party members

[Bonus Reward] - 40 AP

[Not like you had a choice anyway >:3]

Wait what? Did the [System] just ">:3" me!?

[Automatically transporting...]

Hey! What!? Stop!

A purple portal appeared under us, sucking all of us down into the Hollow. I blacked out.





I groaned, clutching my head as I sat up. What the hell just happened?

"Good morning... Host..." A yawning voice sailed through my ears.

"Ah Diva! Welcome back." I replied. "Took you long enough!"

"How long was I asleep for?" Diva asked.

"Two days." I stated.

"Oh... What happened?" Wondered Diva.

"Thanks to you, not only was I able to defeat Damian, but I was wiping the floor with him. Then I went to visit my family and finally got my family to admit that I was adopted... I ended up visiting a church and discovered that I am a Niphilim and now we're here..." I explained.

Wait... Oh shit! El! Az!

"I have many many questions..." Diva commented.

Looking around, I noticed them laying on the ground unconscious. Moving closer, they seemed fine. There wasn't any signs of injuries.

We fell into the Hollow. The same lingering purple fog was everywhere. We were in a different area than last time. I couldn't see any trees around and I noticed a rocky ceiling above us.

We're underground... In the Hollow. Great. Absolutely wonderful.

"Host... it seems, while I was asleep, the System updated." Diva suddenly stated.

"yeah... Did you know it could do that?" I asked.

"I didn't." Responded Diva. "But you should check the [System]."

"Alright. Let's see. Do you mind, Diva."

Ah, it's nice having Diva back.

"Thank you, Host." Diva replied as the menu screen popped up in front of me.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now