21 - Keep Yourself Alive II

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My right arm was engulfed in pain. Clutching it, I bit my lip to gold back the screams. It felt as if it was on fire. It was also like spikes penetrated deep into my arm, clamping down on it. This was definitely not something I would want to experience ever again.


"Time to die!" Grinned Damian, throwing the giant ball of Chaos Fire twaords me.


It descended towards me, getting closer as I held my arm.


It's getting closer!


[Demon Arm Beelzebub]'s full potential has been unlocked!

The voice rang through my head, knowledge flowing through my brain. I was shocked, but quickly grinned.

I heard Damian laugh, thinking he had won as the giant purple flaming ball came closer.

The pain in my arm had faded away. I let go of my arm and directed it towards the giant fireball.

"[Gluttony]..." I muttered.

The purple orb on the back of my hand had a red iris appear. The cracks on the arm widened and started growing a crimson red. The cracks looked like veins now that it looked like the cracks led to the eye. The eye looked at the fireball and the giant fireball started to shrink as a translucent purple line started to flow from the fireball into my hand.

The fireball was drained of its magic as it became smaller and smaller before fading out of existence, leaving me unharmed.

[Demon Arm Beelzebub] Has Leveled Up!


[Demon arm Beelzebub] - Level 6 - A Demonic Arm that overtakes your own upon use. Holds the mysterious powers of the old Lord of Flies.

▪[Gluttony] The full potential of the Demon Arm. Absorbs magical energy to make the arm stronger.

I looked at my bars. My heat seemed to have break through to level 3 and isn't going down. I feel like I could do more too.

"What!? How!?" Cried out Damian. "That's... That's bullshit!"

He started flying towards me at full speed and I dodge it. 

I dodge and pull out my [Deathbane Bow] to fire my chain at incredible speeds. I manage to wrap the chain around his leg.

Leaving no time for Damian to react, I immediately yanked him all the way back. I slammed him into the ground which left behind a crater in his wake.

"Blazing!" I scream.

He stumbled out of the crater, blood running down his face. He touched it with his hand, before bringing it into his view.

"You're going to pay for that!" Damian growled.

"Bring it on!" I challenged, flipping him off again.

Damian sped towards me, using his wings to give him a boost. Slowly tilting my body, I dodged his swipe. He quickly turned, swinging his fist at me again. He was angry and his attacks were becoming way too predictable because of it.

"Stop! Dodging! My! Attacks!" He growled.

"Alright." I replied. "Time for me to..."

He swung again, only for me to redirect it to the side and making him go past me. Now that I was behind him, I kicked him where his kind's most precious place.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now