190 8 4

[Mission] - Reveal Damian's true feelings to Ruby. Completed.


I tapped the button and claimed the spoils: 40 more AP

"I can't believe you got us into this mess..." Diva sighed.

Hey- Oh god. What have I done!? I'm way too under prepared for this!

Damian is the strongest person in the school out of ranking. If I don't stop him, who can? No other student... can... Oh right. John is technically the strongest of the school. Even if he beats John, who knows if there's a law preventing Madam Cloud from interfering or something.

Well, this is Hell...

Anyways, I don't want to risk it.

But for me, this is an uphill battle. Actually, it's more like a cliff than a hill. A really steep cliff.

I barely beat Aqua back then only because she underestimated me. Damian is arrogant but knows that I can do and, even if he does underestimate me, he already knows all of my abilities.

I need something new.

It's showtime!

I pulled up the [Lottery] screen. I only have one chance at this. I used 100 of my 240 AP to spin the [Lottery] wheel.

Please. Please be something good or else I'm doomed.

"You got a common... [Concrete Slab]..." Diva stated.


Can it... do anything?

"it has no special abilities." Diva clarified. She pulled up the information for the [Concrete Slab].

[Concrete Slab] level 1 - A concrete slab. Other than being as strong as old Roman concrete, it is basically just a slab of rock. (Form yet to be chosen)

I'm doomed. It thinks that I'm Order Sol and already have the skills to do the same thing as him...

But I still have another roll!

I use 100 more of my AP and spin the wheel once more. I hear the clicking of the wheel's spin.

"This won't work... You can't beat Damian with just one more ability... Give me a moment." She said, her stress was getting to her. Me getting a common weapon with no abilities what so ever hasn't helping at all.

The clicking continued and began to slow down.

Diva? You there? What happened?

"I got it, Host..." Diva slowly said.

I looked at the [Lottery] wheel in front of me. I saw the number of spins glitch and I gained an extra spin.

"I've tampered... with the [System]... I gave... Host... one... more..." Diva stated, her voice weakened by the second.

Are you okay!? Diva!

"I'll be fine... Host... I'm going... to sleep... for a long... long... time..." She responded.

Thank you, Diva. Thank you. Your efforts will not be in vain.

She went radio silent.

Now I may have a chance.

At this time, the spin I did a few moments ago has stopped.

Since Diva wasn't here, a pop-up appeared.

{You got the Legendary skill [Beelzebub]!}

I got a Legendary skill! Nice!

I press the spin button again. This one was Diva's. Please be good!

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now