36 - Reunion

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I sighed as I sat in my classroom seat.

Man... I really got lucky. Caroline was behind the wall I was thrown through to stop the fight before it got any worse.

"You alright?" El asked me.

"I'm fine." I smiled. "Just tired."

Our teacher walked into the room, standing in front of us. He cleared his throat as the classroom went silent.

"We have a transfer student." He announced.

Small amounts of chatter emerged from the students, wondering who the transfer student could possibly be.

"Come on in." The teacher said.

The door opened, and revealed-


And why is she wearing... whatever that is...?

She was dressed in baggy white pants, a black sleeveless shirt and... a big white jacket with steel crosses all over it. She wore a cross necklace.

I turned my face away and hid behind my left hand.

"Hey Lucas!" Illya waved happily.

"You know him?" Our teacher asked, curiously.

"He's my brother!" She smiled.

"You can sit to his left then." The teacher decided.

El sat to my right, but no one sat to my left for some reason... Until now.

Illya skipped over, sitting down next to me.

"What are you doing here!?" I whispered.

"I transferred to your school!" Illya happily replied. "I need to protect you!"

"P-Protect me!? Wh-" I stuttered.

I mean she is as strong as a gorilla... That's- What am I even talking about? That is not the thing I should be asking about!

"But you're two years younger than me!" I exclaimed quietly. "How did you get to this grade!?"

"I skipped two years." Illya responded smugly.

"...What's with the outfit?" I wondered.

"I'm an Exorcist!" She replied.

"...Huh. An Exorcist, eh? What does that even mean, Illya!?" I exclaimed.

"We exorcize evil spirits! It was part of the job when we were still in the church!" Illya smiled. "At least for Mom and Dad. I was too young."

SHE knew about the Supernatural before me!?

Why did they ever decide to keep it a secret from me?

The day continued to go by fairly quickly. Illya was surprisingly in a majority of my classes. She was doing pretty well despite doing work two years ahead of her age.

Ahh!!! It's too damn much for me to wrap my head around right now! Eh... It's lunch time anyway. Best to have a fruit snack break.


"You're telling me your sister skipped two years and transferred here?" John questioned me.

"What am I supposed to say? She just so happened to just appear here two years before she should? And not to mention that she KNEW about the Supernatural before me!" I exclaimed.

"Wait- That's impossible! How did she know but you didn't...? Huh-" John denied, only to be cut off as a blur latched itself onto my waist.

Like a spear missile, she hit me at supersonic speeds with the power of a bullet train.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now