33 - Night Walkers Under Blue Night

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"I choose you." She said.

She... just kissed me...

She just kissed me...

She just kissed me!?

"I choose you." Her words echoed through my head.

Shit. I'm her fiancé now, right?

"You dealt with it better than I expected." Diva complimented. "You really are beginning to learn how to react to such a situation."

I guess I'm just too surprised that it looped back. I only met her once too! And I already have a girlfriend and she is even aware of that!

Diva... You already know.

"On it, Host." Diva said, trying her best to not crack up.


Illya Owens - 100 - Family

Elaina Cloud - 150 - Girlfriend

Azrael Flare - 100 - Love

Aquamarine Azur - 100 - Love

Ruby Faux - 100 - Love

Rose Alucard - 83 - Crush/Fiancé

How did this happen!?

"What do you think you're doing!?" Screeched El, suddenly appearing next to me.

"I hope you treat me well." Rose replied, bowing down.

"Hey! Hold up a second! What the fuck are you doing!?" El exclaimed, confused at Rose's reaction.

Ah. The sound of shattering has never been so loud.

"This is unacceptable!" Someone screamed from the crowd, marching up to us.

It was another person our age with slicked back black hair and crimson eyes. He wore a fancy suit and held a crushed rose in his hand. His sharp fangs revealed the fact he was a vampire.

"Ugh, it's Ellerick." Grumbled THE PRINCESS Rose under her breath.

"And why is that?" Asked Rose, annoyed at the interruption.

"He is not one of us! He isn't a vampire! This is preposterous!" Ellerick argued.

Oh, a vampire noble. The arrogant young master type, huh? I never thought I'd actually see one. It's just like in those novels I used to read.

"Agreed." Commented Diva.

Those novels... Those were the dark ages... Back in middle school...

"And since when was it a rule that my fiancé had to be a vampire? Besides, I've made my decision!" She stated.

"He HAS a GIRLFRIEND!" Ellerick responded

Color me surprised! This guy actually came up with a good reason!

"Yeah! We're still not done here!" El added, narrowing her eyes at Rose.

"I know." Rose replied, responding to both El and Ellerick at the same time. "But Kings can have multiple wives."

The times have changed! People don't do that anymore! Who am I to judge? I'm inevitably going to create a harem.

"Not to mention there are multiple vampire families in the Alucard Empire that are polygamous!" Rose added.

Huh!? Seriously!? It has to be a minority, right?

"You're going to lower yourself to share a lesser species like a demon!?" Screeched Ellerick.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now