3 - Keep Yourself Alive

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I pace around my room, thinking about the borderline order El gave me. Was this really a date? Am I overreacting? Then again, why would she ask me to not say a thing to John? Agghhhh!!! This is way too much!

Suddenly, a new mission appeared shipped to be straight from the [Harem System].

[Mission] - Survive your date with El.

[Reward] - 70 AP

[Punishment] - Unsuccessful date.

[Bonus] - Learn more about El.

[Bonus Reward] - 50 AP


Oh, a bonus. That would give me enough to spin the lottery another time!

"You should hold back on the lottery or else you'd develop a gambling addiction." Diva said robotically.

What. It gives me skills. I'm excited since you did promise me that I'd be able to-

"Still, exercise caution." She cut me.


I press the [Y] button and it disappears. I'm starting to feel used to this system.

I look at my clock and see that it was currently 8:30 in the morning. Alright. It is an hour and a half till midnight.

I don't know what she has in store for me later... If 91 to 100 is love... Over that is dangerous territory!

I swallowed my dry saliva and decided to get ready.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on some gray pants, black shirt with a brown flannel. I looked into the mirror and fixed my hair a bit and made sure I didn't have any bed hair left.

Oh yeah, I'm starting to look a little decent.

Checking the time, I saw that it was currently 9:00. Sweet, I can get a combo off.

I booted up -Strive- and got a corner to corner combo off.

Checking the time again, it was now currently 9:27. I should get going.

I passed the living room where my mother, father, and little sister were watching TV. Today was a Saturday so everyone was at home. No school, no work.

"Where are you going, honey?" Mom asked, turning her attention towards me and causing the other two to look.

My mother was the main source of Illya's looks. She has beautiful golden hair and same teal eyes.

My father, on the other hand, has snow white hair and piercing red eyes. He is the reason for Illya's ashy blonde. She was fully blonde when she was younger and slowly turned shades of ashy blonde throughout the years.

I really don't think I am related to them by blood at all. I don't know how black hair can come from a blonde haired mother and a white haired father. I'd be surprised if I were!

"I got called out by El. She wants to meet me." I said. The Cloud siblings were here a few times before.

"Finally!" Mom exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm not even sure if this is a date or if she plans on killing me! She has been acting strangely lately and I recently learned that she has monstrous strength."

"I am proud and worried for you, son. Girls your age are very different from my time." My dad said, congratulating me.

I saw Illya's hands tighten. That's cute.

With the knowledge of the [Affection] tab and the fact that it was likely that I was not blood related, this is not a great position that I have been put in... It feels quite odd.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now