5 - Cumulonimbus

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"Your mom!?" I said, surprised.

"Yes, our mother. Where do you think we would go? This is the only home we have down here in Hell." El said.

"Your home?" I said as I turned my attention to the castle across the stone bridge. "That!?" I pointed out.

"Yep." John said casually as he starts walking.

El and I follow him.

Approaching the gate at the end of the bridge, we stood in front of the giant gates which protected the even bigger castle. Standing here, you could see how humongous the castle was.

A guard looked over from the top of the wall, seeing who arrived.

"Johnson and Elaina Cloud. Welcome home, young master, young mistress." The guard yelled.

John nodded. "He's also with us." John stated, pointing towards me.

The guard nodded. "Open the gate!" He yelled at another guard.

We heard a lever get pulled and the front lights turned on.

"Wrong lever!"

The lever was pulled back and the lights shut off. Another lever was pulled and the gate opened, allowing us entrance to the castle. We walked through the gate, entering a courtyard which divided the walls and the castle.

John lead the way, taking El and I towards a tower at the edge of the castle. We entered through a door at the base of the structure.

We climbed up the spiral staircase, all the way to the top. By the time we arrived to the top, my legs felt like they were one step from turning to mush. I really need to work out more.

[Agility] has levelled up!

Oh well that's just convenient.

We stood before a wooden door, preparing ourselves to enter. Both John and El took a deep breath, calming themselves.

John brought his hand up, and knocked on the door.

"Come on in." An older, feminine voice came from inside the room.

[Mission] - Impress Madam Cloud.

[Reward] - 30 AP

[Bonus] - Make her laugh.

[Bonus Reward] - 20 AP

[Punishment] - Elimination


I don't like the sound of "Elimination". That doesn't sound good- How the hell am I even supposed to make her laugh!?

I sighed mentally.

Diva, do you mind accepting it for me?

"Of course, Host." She replied.

The mission was accepted and shortly disappeared from my view.

John opened the door, walking in with me and El following closely after him. We entered an office, which contained a giant desk in the middle. There were many drawers in the room, which contains what seemed to be many important documents. An old pendulum clock hung from the wall, clicking as each second passed. The back wall was a giant window, giving a great view of the castle's courtyard.

Madam Cloud sat behind the desk, smiling upon the arrival of her children. "John, El... It's been a while. What brings you here today? I see you've brought a friend." She greeted. Her voice was incredibly soothing and mature, as if it would take away all your problems and make them fly away.

Just like her children, she had caramel-brown hair with sharp blue eyes. Unlike her children, her spider appendages were free, and all eight of her eyes were visible, as her hair was combed to the side in the infamous side pony tail... but braided.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now