7 - Break You Free

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"The Hollow is another Realm." Informed Diva. "The [Hollow Wanderer] skill gives you access to travel to it."

I grinned. "I can travel to a new dimension!? Let's try it out!"

I'm assuming I just say the name of the skill? No, that would be too embarrassing. I should just say it in my head.

"[Hollow Wanderer]!"

A glowing purple portal appeared on the wall in front of me. This must be the entrance to the Hollow.

"Let's go!" I excitedly said, running towards the portal.

"Wait Host!" Diva exclaimed.

I abruptly stop with my head barely peeking through the portal.

What is it now, Diva!?

"Even I don't know what could be in there! I did say you could fight and gain experience there but the contents in there... I don't know." Diva explained.

Fair point. I almost forgot.

I went to my desk and opened the drawer. A taser.

"It was a good idea to bring a weapon here, Host." Diva praised me.

Who knows if I could encounter one of those Corrupteds again. I'm not going to go without any means of self defense with how weak I am.

I look through the portal before jumping through.

"This is the Hollow, Host." Diva reminded me. "I don't know what could be here."

I looked around. This certainly wasn't my dorm room anymore. This is definitely somewhere else.

It was some kind of forest with dark blue grass and giant dark wood trees which had cyan colored leaves. The air had a foggy purple. This whole thing just looks so creepy and mysterious.

Suddenly, a howl pierced through the air. A familiar and unpleasant howl.

Just the sound of it caused my knees to shake and my palms to get sweaty. I felt something on my face. A smile? This happened before? Is this a reaction my body has to adrenaline?

So this place is infested with them!

"It's dangerous. I recommend being on high alert, Host." Diva reminded me.

Out from the trees in front of me appeared a Corrupted. It's like the one from last time. It is a purple werewolf looking thing with light purple crystals jutting out of it's back.

It snarled at me, walking closer. I reached in my back pocket and grabbed my taser.

A smile grew on my face.

"If you wanna die, then step the fuck up!" I said to the corrupted before it charged at me.


I dodge its charge and get a kick in.

Whoah that was close! I wasn't expecting it to charge immediately!

I back up and glance quickly behind me and see a tree. Since it was going for my neck anyway, I might as well piss it off.

"Come at me, you edgy stego ripoff!" I yelled out to it.

It seems like it didn't like the tone of my voice and leaped twice as fast as normal.


I roll and see that it hit the tree head-first. It is stunned from the hit. I tased it and held it there for a good few seconds. Its muscles seized up and it fell onto the ground.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now