37 - Misplaced, Missing, Mahjong

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Many buses were stationed in front of Ogumo High, ready to take the students to wherever Madam Cloud will make us go. Keep in mind, none of the students knows where we're going.

"That's a lot of buses..." El commented.

"How many is that? Sixteen?" Rose wondered.

"15." John stated bluntly.

They were fairly large buses, the kind which had a large compartment underneath to handle luggage.

"So... How do we know which bus we're in?" I asked.

"You guys will be up in the front. Don't worry about it too much." A voice informed me. Looking over, it was the great headmaster of the school. Madam Cloud. "You and the others will be on the first bus with me."

"Alright then." I shrugged.

"Alright! Everybody board your buses!" Madam Cloud ordered.

I handed my bag to the driver of the bus. He grabbed it and placed it into the compartment with the others.

Madam Cloud walked up the stairs into the bus. After her, went the two Cloud twins, and then the rest of the group.

I stood outside, looking up into the bus. I looked to the sky and the obsidian roof of the Underworld and clapped my hands together.

Please let this be a normal field trip.

"Hey. What are you waiting for?" John asked, walking back towards the front of the bus.

"Ah. It's nothing." I said, walking up.

I sat down next to John at the front of the bus while El and Rose sat down in the seats across the aisle, slightly pouting. Kai sat in front of us, alone because of his scary stature. Poor Kai. Behind us was Aqua and Ruby. Across the aisle from then were Illya and Azrael. Actually, now that I really take a look, all the girls don't seem very happy. 

I chose this. I have to live with it. This is what comes with great power...

"Why don't you sit with your girlfriend? Or fiancé?" John wondered.

"What's wrong if we just hung out for one bus ride?" I innocently replied. "Come on, man. I'm just sitting with my best friend."

"Lucas..." John warned, moving his eyes towards the back, signaling about the girls.

"I don't wanna deal with this whole harem stuff the entire bus ride..." I sighed. "I need a deserved break once in a while."

"Must be tiring. But at the same time, I feel the same." John smiled.

"You can't just say that shit, John. You're tired all the time." I replied. 

"You did bring Kira as a date for the Blood Ball. How did that happen." I asked.

"What can I say? I'm just too good lookin'!" John exclaimed, slipping some kick-ass shades on.

"Fuck off!" I cracked up at his joke. "That's fucking stupid!"

I look out the window at the changing scenery of the Underworld. I did some research after we left to pack our things since I was so curious. The Underworld has quite the areas with vastly different fauna and climates. I've learned that there is even an ocean in Hell. Kai probably comes from that area.

"Hey Kai." John said, grabbing his attention.

Kai turned around, looking at us. "Y-yes?" He asked.

"What girls you into?" John wondered.

"W-what?" Kai stuttered.

"Huh?" I said, surprised at the question.

"Anyone you're interested in, big guy? Romantically." John reworded his question.

To Survive A Harem System - Lucas Owens' EditionWhere stories live. Discover now