28 - Queen of Red, Like Roses

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(Rose POV)

Being a princess is not all fun and games...

I sure wish it was!

I am Rose Alucard, princess of the Alucard Empire. And this Fridays is October 31st, my 16th birthday. Usually this would be one of the most memorable moments in a girl's life.

Unfortunately, that would not be my case.

"Dad! Mom! I don't want to get a fiancé!" I angrily protested.

Mom sighed. "I know, honey. I know. But it's been a tradition for vampire royalty to choose their fiancé at their 16th birthday. That's how your father and I met!"

"Screw this tradition! Everybody's going to be some asshat who wants me either for my body or position!" I yelled.

Why did I even add my body there? I'm not that great of a catch. I'm just a shut-in! I may be a princess with silver hair, fair white skin, and ruby red eyes. Even though my parents call me the most beautiful girl in the world, the spoiled high class brats with a silver spoon shoved so up their ass would say the same but just to make me have a good impression of them for ulterior motives!

They're all greedy. I've seen the gazes. They lust for money, sex, and power.

It's disgusting! Why can't men just be like those in the humans' love stories!? Men in anime are better than any men in this damn empire!


Okay, let me restate that. Most men are disgusting, at least vampires. Dad is an amazing man.

But all of them are just plastic princes. I want a man who wouldn't hesitate to enjoy himself, indulge himself in his passions! A man who also wouldn't hesitate to put his life on the line for me... Maybe I've watched too much anime. My sense for men is getting distorted. These ikemen are works of fiction after all.

Note: Ikemen is a portmanteau which, in a nutshell, describes a man as cool and handsome. Also a term used by weebs.

I want someone who will have my back. Being a princess is dangerous with all of these political connections and possible assassination attempts... All that stuff. I can protect myself but I can only do so much.

"I'm sorry Rose!: Silently cried Dad. "We both know I don't want this either. But hey, good news is that you'll be able to annul the engagement if he tries anything!"

"It's been a tradition since the beginnings of Vampire Royalty. The Empire will be un in arms if you don't follow the tradition." Sighed Mom.

"damn it!" I screamed, irritated and frustrated, stomping away to my room. I intentionally make sure my parents could hear my angry footsteps as I locked myself in my room.

I don't want a fiancé to some random guy! I'm supposed to become the fiancé of some man I don't even love!? Screw that! I want to have a proper romance! Not some arranged marriage bullshit like from novels!

It's a good thing that I'll be able to annul if he tries to force anything on me. But I don't even want to allow my fiancé-to-be to even try!

I won't hesitate to rip his arm off!

Note: DIO WRYYY pose

The life of a princess isn't all fun and games.

I have the best family I could wish for. I have great loving and caring parents. I wouldn't trade them for the world!

But these stupid traditions...

Maybe I should just run away...

But where should I even go? Ugh...

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