Wyl- 👶Pregnant👶

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Waking up I got out of bed rushing to the bathroom, I sat on the cold Tile's and puked soon feeling someone rubbing their hand's over my back It's alright baby let it out -Wyl said Ehh -I said What's wrong babe -He said I think I'm pregnant -I said What -He said once I fully sat down looking at him.

My period is a week late I'm throwing up in the morning's I have been craving food -I said Oh shit do you have a test -He said Yes -I said Ok do you want me here with you to see the answer or not -He asked Yes please I think we should find out together -I said Ok baby -He said.

After taking the test I laid it down on the counter facing downward's and Wyl put a timer on for 3 minute's Do we want this -I said Yes baby I want a baby with you and I think were at the right age were both 25 close to 30 it's time we get our life sorted out -He said True I want one with you to -I said.

It's time Wyl ended the timer he wrapped his arm's around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder 3, 2, 1 -We both said while flipping it over OMG I'm pregnant -I said I'm gonna be a dad -He said picking me up we kissed and he put me down.

Holy fuck -I said oh shit -He said We need to move house's -I said Yes we do I need a car you need a bigger car -He said Ok wait but can I tell Ayla as she already has a baby -I said Of course baby so she can help you -He said Yeh and I think Kian to so for your perspective -I said Ok but first doctor's appointment -He said.

I just called one of my favourite doctor's and she said I can come in this afternoon at 2pm and we can actually get a true testing which Will has opted to come with.

It's now 1:30pm and we are now in the car Will is driving to the doctor's office, Arriving I got out of the car and waited for Will to lock the car.

Walking in hand in hand nerve's running through both our body's the test may of said Positive but the Doctor know's all so that's why we are nervous.

"Y/n Y/l/n" -I heard looking up I saw my doctor me and Will both stood up and walked in to the office "Hello Y/n" -She said Hi -I said "So what bring's you 2 here" -She said I think I'm pregnant -I said "Ok and what have you done to think you are" -She said We took a test it said Positive uhm I threw up yesterday and today in the morning's, period has been late for a week and have been craving thing's -I said "Oh wow ok I'm gonna get you to lay on this bed here lift your shirt up and I'll put some cold gel on to see if their's a baby or not" -She said ok -I said.

Standing up I laid on the bed and rolled my shirt up Wyl was holding my hand "Ok ready" -She said Yes -I said "Alright it's gonna be cold" -She said I nodded and waited.

She put the gel on and holy shit it was cold I winced and she put the scaning thing on my stomach and rolled around "Oh what's this I think you have a baby in your belly" -She said What -I said "Yeh Congrat's" -She said Oh my god -I said starting to tear up Baby were pregnant -I said I'm gonna be a dad -He said How many week's am I -I asked "You are 10 week's" -She said Thank god I don't drink Alcohol -I said.

We just got home from the doctor's office we called Ayla to come over with Kian as like a get together and now they were here.

Hey guy's welcome in -I said Hey Y/n how r u -Ayla said I'm great you after the pregnancy -I said Oh I'm great Coast has been amazing -She said That's awesome -I said.

Hey Ayla I just want to ask you for some tip's for something -I said while the boy's looked at me as Ayla did to Yeh of course -She said Did it hurt being pregnant -I said What shut up no way your Pregnant -She said getting up Surprise -I said Oh my god -she said crying "Wow guy's congrat's second boy to get Pregnant in the Camboy's" -Kian said Yep following after you -Wyl said "Yeh thank's" -Kian said.

The End.

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