Reggie- Couples Challenge with Jc an Chels

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Me an Reggie had just arrived at Jc's house as he had invited us over to be apart of his stream an we were gonna do a couple's Challenge

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Me an Reggie had just arrived at Jc's house as he had invited us over to be apart of his stream an we were gonna do a couple's Challenge.

Knocking on the door Babe just walk in -Reggie said Fine -I said Walking in. Making my way out to the backyard Ay their here -Jc yelled.

I hugged Chelsea then Jc Ok so the rule's are Mando will read out a question an the people in the back will get to pie the people in the front if their wrong, the front people will write their answer on these white board's so let's get to it -Jc said.

Is it whipped cream -I said Uh yes -Jc said. Us girl's were first with answering "Ok num 1 Favourite Colour" -Mando said I wrote down Blue Chelsea wrote down Yellow "Correct" -Mando said.

We swapped "Fav movie" -Mando said the boy's were finished Her fav is UP -Reggie said I shook my head No it's Bambi -I said Fuck -Reggie yelled Well Chelsea's is Cinderella -Jc said Nope it's Tangled -Chelsea said Fuck sake -Jc said.

I squeezed the whipped cream on to the plate an stood in front of Reggie Babe we watch Bambi atleast once a week -I said throwing the pie in his face Yeh I knew it -Reggie said Hah no u didn't -I said.

"Fav holiday destination you've been on together" -Mando said Ooh -I said Ok where have we been we've been to Canada, Scotland, Utah, Rome -I mumbled. Writing Rome.

Correct babe -Reggie said Fuck yeh -I said jumping up You guy's suck so far -I said. "Ok boy's what is your girlfriend's fav restaurant not fast food restaurant" -Mando asked.

Reggie wrote Saddle Ranch Good job Reg you got it right -I said Yes -He said. "Ok girl's what are the boy's fav concert you've been to" -Mando asked Ooh -I said writing down the answer which was Ed Sheeran.

Fuck she got it right again -Reggie said Yes sir -I said. "Boy's what are your girlfriend's celebrity crush" -Mando said Reggie wrote Ryan Reynold's No Reggie it's Chris Evans -I said.

I pied Reggie in the face an laughed. "Ladies what are the boy's job before Streaming" -Mando said I wrote Military. I'll give it to you babe -Reggie said Thank you -I said.

Boy's what is your girlfriend's birthday -Reggie wrote Y/bday Well I hope you wouldve got that right -I said. "Girl's what is your boyfriend's happy place" -Mando said.

Ok Reggie has 2 I'm gonna say it because my hand's hurt's so see ya board -I said putting the board down 1 is with me anywhere from a diff country the lounge snuggled up or bed -I said 2nd with his stream -I said Reggie nodded "alright ladies you are doing amazing" -Mando said.

Ok that's the end of the game the girl's came out squeaky clean an it look's like were bad boyfriend's -Jc said Yeh so guess what Reggie when you drive home you paying for dinner -I said I can do that -He said.

Alright we gotta go Jc we got a dog to look after so were gonna head out -Reggie said standing up while I put my chair into the table.

Nice to see you guy's we should all go on a double date sometime -Jc said Yeh we should -I said Let's do it -Reggie said.

Hopping into the car Uh I'm so tired -I said throwing my hair back Sleep then what do you want for dinner -He said Chick Fil A -I said Normal order -He said Yes please -I said.

Babe Here's your food -Reggie said turning around to see Y/n asleep he smiled. Putting the food in the back seat He drove off an held Y/n's Hand.

The End.

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