Crawford- Camboys Sleepover

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Alright so the new launch will be the 9th of November -I said flicking my pen against the paper "Ok done an dusted alright meeting's done go home" -Lacy said I stood up an grabbed my bag an laptop.

Alright so the new launch will be the 9th of November -I said flicking my pen against the paper "Ok done an dusted alright meeting's done go home" -Lacy said I stood up an grabbed my bag an laptop

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Leaving the office to my car I got in an  looked at my phone to see a notification saying Jc was live I signed in an watched it.

I was Jc's little sister dating Crawford for 5 year's an I was also a Fashion Designer but also Jc's dog walker with Ryan's dog. Donating $1000 I pressed Donate an the See you again song played What the fuck -Dyl said Jc u just got $1000 from your sister -Wyl said Wait what -Crawf said.

Love you boy's spend that on any thing brother -I sent We love you to Y/n -They cheered I just got $1000 from my sister -Jc said. I pulled into Jc's driveway behind his Tesla an got out.

Walking upto the door I opened the door an everyone looked they cheered I bowed an shut the door Crawf was looking at the tv an I walked around an crawled on top of him he smiled an wrapped me in his arm's.

Hello baby how was work -He mumbled Good we got the new launch date ready how was your day -I said Went to the fight missed you -He said I smiled an kissed him he kissed back.

I'm gonna be late dropping the dog's off so You won't mind if I sneak in an sleep in Crawf's room -I said to everyone Go ahead baby -Crawf said Yeh were deep sleeper's sis -Jc said Ok an Crawf I don't want you coming in the room cause I'm here have a boy's night just forget I'm in the house -I said.

Bye chat -I said looking at the camera "Bye Y/n see you later" were seen in chat Ryan am I taking Cooper -I said If you don't mind -He said Of course not -I said quickly running into Crawf's room to change into his hoodie an my short's I left here.

Crawf walked in Take my car baby -He said Really -I said Yeh your's is to small -He said But it's ok -I said He took my key's an passed his card an pecked my lip's. Also you look fine in that onesie with the black shirt under -I said patting his chest as he laughed.

I put the harnesses on each dog Bye boy's Jc hopefully you don't need to leave my car is behind your's Crawf has my key's so he can move it -I said All good sis make sure my dog's win -He said.

Let's go dog's bye boy's -I said Bye baby I love you -Crawf said Love you to -I said shutting the door. Opening the door of Crawf's car I clicked the dog's in an got in the driver seat.

The training had just finished an it also included a talent show an Bambi came 1st Barrie came 3rd an Cooper came 5th talented if I say so myself.

Pulling upto the side of the street I got out of the car an walked the dog's up the stair's It was super late at night an the light's weren't on.

Quietly opening the door shh -I whispered I let the dog's go an didn't see ryan I picked Cooper up an walked quietly to his room opening the door slightly I let him in Thank's Y/n what he come -Ryan said No problem 5th he's getting way better -I said That's amazing goodnight -He said Night -I said shutting the door.

Jake started speaking Fucking hell Jake u scared me -I whispered Sorry -He said I grabbed a glass of water an set it on the counter. Walking to crawf on the lounge I leaned down an kissed his cheek as he was asleep Love you baby -I said.

Night boy's -I said Night -Babas an Jake said I walked into the bedroom an shut the door I slipped off my short's an took my scrunchie out.

Climbing into the bed I realised their was no cover so I just went into a ball. I shut the lamp off an closed my eye's cuddling Crawf's pillow.

No One's POV
Crawford reawakened from the boy's laughing Alright I'm heading to my bed -Crawf said Bye bye Crawf -Jake said Crawford walked to his room an opened the door he saw his girlfriend in a ball knocked out.

He put the cover over Y/n an his half an got into bed beside her an brang her closer she instantly relaxed her body to stretch out an rolled over so Crawf can spoon her Crawf laid an arm under her head an one over her waist Love you baby -He said as she held Crawf's hand an they went back to deep sleep.

Crawford woke up an saw his girlfriend knocked out he smiled an let her sleep in as she had been hard at work an came home late He got out of bed an put a shirt on.

He bent over an kissed Y/n on the head an walked out of the room to see Bambi You wanna sleep with her -He whispered as he opened the door wider an the dog bolted in an jumped on the bed Crawf watched Y/n roll over an cuddle the dog Let's get a sleep in Bambi -She said Crawf quietly laughed an shut the door as Y/n's eye's were closed.

Y/n's POV
Waking upto Bambi licking me on the face Is it time to get up baby -I said getting out of bed an putting my short's on I looked at the stream an saw Crawf sitting on the inflatable bed looking around Turn's out the boy's didn't buy him a coffee so I ordered us one.

I opened the door an let Bambi out walking into the bathroom I did my business an brushed my teeth I put my hair in a bun an walked out to the living room.

Morning boy's -I groaned as I still had a morning voice, walking to Crawf his arm outstretched to me an put me on his lap my face in his neck.

A knock came from the door I'll get it -I said We didn't order anything -Jake said I opened the door an grabbed the coffee bag I put it on the kitchen counter an grabbed the coffee.

Walking to Crawf I handed his Coffee to him Thank you baby -He said No problem boy's their are other people in the house to everyone matter's -I said sitting on Crawf's lap an cuddling him.

We sat their for awhile waiting for Jc to get out of the shower This man shower's to long -I said standing up an walking into the bathroom as I had to pee again.

Walking back in I saw Jc How did you get a coffee -He said pointing at Crawford I bought him one as you forgot me, him an Ryan I also bought Ryan one to -I said Sorry sis but what did my dog's come -He said Uhm Bambi 1st an Barrie 3rd -I said Damn my baby's talented -He said hugging them.

Crawford was laid out on the couch so I laid on top of him my arm's around him as his around me Oh your so comfy baby -He said kissing my cheek multiple time's I laughed an pecked his lip's.

David an Jake had left Crawford was setting up his Song list for the party Devonte was knocked out on the lounge an Babas was on the lounge while me I was sleeping next to Jc on the Inflatable with the dog's my head dropped onto Jc's shoulder an I started snoozing away.

The End.

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