Kian- RHS2

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(Y/N Will be Lena in this story)

*This will be nothing like the actual video some parts maybe*

Getting on the bus I saw Kian's sister she waved an I sat next to her an we talked until we arrived at the house.

Imari was first then Tab then me Hey guy's I'm Y/n, 24 from Los Angeles an I am the proud wife of Kian Lawley an also I am diabetic so if I look down or sad or out of breath then you know why but most of you guy's know that -I said smiling at the camera as I walked in front of the camera an waved.

Soon we were all standing at the back in a group with Kian an Jc on the stair's Welcome everybody to Reality House Season 2 -Kian said we all cheered Who's seen the 1st season -Jc said I put my hand up I was forced -I said Babe shush -Kian said laughing.

1st challenge is Bean for a bed -Jc said time to get into this shit the boy's went 1st. Kian gave Ryan a stupid clue "What fucking clue is that" -Tab said I laughed.

Ryan got a room we clapped, Harrison was the last one to find a bean Tab jumped up but Kian was screaming. We were up next.

I bolted an searched the bucket Taylor got a bean but I kept searching next was Tab none of them got a bean. I found a bean an sprinted Yes baby let's fucking go -Kian yelled as I put the bean in the cup an grabbed a pin popping the balloon I soon see flour Yehh -I said jumping up an down Let's go baby -Kian pecking my lip's.

Running to the boy's I stood with them Tabita got her final one I started cheering Now we had to say bye to Brittany an Fousey I hated Fousey so I didn't say bye.

I hugged Brittany an stood next to Kian his arm around my shoulder Do you have my kit baby -I said Yes bub I'll come to your room Ok -He said I nodded an pecked his cheek I'm proud of you baby -He said.

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