(SMUT) Jc- Texas hangout

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Arriving back at the airbnb I had just been out shopping with Lyndi as Jc an his dad went to a restaurant which I would meet them their as well as Some of the family as it had been Easton's birthday yesterday so we spent most of the day with him then today I went shopping with Lyndi.

Arriving back at the airbnb I had just been out shopping with Lyndi as Jc an his dad went to a restaurant which I would meet them their as well as Some of the family as it had been Easton's birthday yesterday so we spent most of the day with him t...

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I put the shopping bag's in me an Jc's  room then got changed I walked outside to Lyndi's car an got in as she was gonna drop me off.

Pulling up I thanked Lyndi as she wasn't gonna stay as she was tired. I called Jc an looked on my other phone for Jc's stream he was sat at a table with Omar He soon answered Hey baby -He said Hey J where are you -I said I'm at a table oh your in chat go through the door or ask the people at the front they knew me -He said Ok hold on -I said looking up.

Hi do you know where Jc is sat -I said to a girl Oh your his girlfriend yes follow me -She said thank you -I said following her an ending the call with Jc.

I thanked the girl as I saw Jc I walked to him he stood up an hugged me then pecked my lip's how was your day baby -He said Great -I said hugging Omar.

Jc grabbed my hip's an put me on his lap Damn baby you look fire -He said Thank you I bought a hoodie in case I got cold it is your's so you can wear it -I said Stealer -He said.

The family soon arrived an I was sat next to Jc his arm around my shoulder Aliana came to me I hugged her Girl you look hot -She said So do you girl -I said Ay stop taking my girl -Jc said I laughed as she sat next to me I gave Jalyn a hug.

Bebe what do you want -Jc said in my ear so I could hear as the music was so loud Vodka or tequila something strong I wanna let loose tonight -I said putting my arm on his shoulder You wanna take a shot with me baby -He said I nodded Let's do it motherfucker let's do 2 -I said Are you already drunk -He said laughing No I'm good -I said.

The shots arrived Chat this is for yall, you all are amazing an beautiful you make my man happy well I'm number 1 but I'm very proud of him an that couldn't happen without you all an his content -I said as a tear slipped Baby your crying -Jc said laughing I love you -I said I love you to baby -He said pecking my lip's.

I did the shot's Ooh that's fucking strong -I said Jc was laughing I laid my head on Jc's shoulder you good baby -He said I nodded an looked at him What -He said I leaned into his ear Can we fuck tonight -I said His eye's widened Baby of course we can -He said I'll sneak the camera facing my dad -He said I nodded It's just cause we haven't in a while an it's not to stop you from streaming it's just I'm lonely sometime's an I need your touch -I said.

He nodded It's ok baby all you have to do is ask you know I'll gladly fuck you an your my girl I gotta have some time with you  -He said I laughed an kissed him.

We decided to go to top golf I was super drunk I held Jc's hand I love you baby -I said I love you to babygirl -He said kissing my head we got in the back of Seth's friend's car well me an Omar.

Arriving I sat their Chat I have to get my baby out she is so drunk -Jc said looking at me I stuck my finger up. He came around an pulled me out Dad could you hold her -Jc said Hey Omar -I said rubbing his head *Hey* -He said frowning as he had an arm around me.

A girl came over an gave Jc a rug That's fucking cool -I said Thank you -She said Omg your tixxo tat I have one to -I said showing mine on my back Your a great girlfriend -She said I did not know about that -Jc said Oop -I said Jalyn -I said running to her an jumping in her arm's.

Jc walked over When did you get that tattoo baby -He said passing the camera to Jalyn Uhm like 4 month's ago -I said What -He said putting an arm around me Did I not tell you -I said No an it's on your back how have I not noticed -He said Cause you don't give me massage's anymore -I said frowning He laughed You will get one tonight -He said into my ear That's not a massage that's a fuck -I said laughing.

I sat in a chair looking at the golf range Me an Jalyn were so drunk I was slurring so many word's Fuck me like a pussy ass hoe -I yelled dancing to the music Jc laughed.

Let's get lit daddy -I said at Jc Baby I'm a need you to shush your pretty lip's cause your getting me fucking horny -He said grabbing my cheek's Daddy -I whispered smirking an walking away It was my turn I grabbed a club an swung the club to hit the ball I failed miserably Not playing anymore -I said.

We arrived at the airbnb Jc pulled me out of the car I thanked the uber driver an we got in Jc -I said Yes baby -He said as Omar had already knocked out on the lounge I pointed at the camera Ok chat we are gonna leave my dad with you guy's an you can play sound's as he's hella drunk it's a prank love yall -Jc said as I walked into the bedroom.

I stripped an got into bed Jc walked in an shut the door he climbed in an saw me he kissed me hard an I entered my tongue he took his clothes off an bit my nipple I moaned Oh my god jc I need you now -I said He entered into me Yes yes -I said Like that baby -He said Mhm keep going -I said he went faster I'm gonna cum -I moaned out Cum for me baby -He said as I cummed an he came inside of me.

He laid down an we fell asleep in eachother's arm's. Abruptly waking upto a loud scream me an Jc jumped up to see Chat an a speaker Fuck -I said climbing back into bed cause I was still naked Shit -Jc said covering himself turning the camera around.

Waking up the next morning I changed quickly as Jc was already in the living room I walked out an Jc smiled Morning baby -He said Morning -I said sitting down Omar came out Fuck you for last night Omar -I said What do you mean -He said Me an Jc were both naked you put the camera on us an we both jumped out of bed -I said Oh shit sorry -He said but it was dark so they didn't get our part's -Jc said.

The End.

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