Bobby- Model for his merch

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I just got home from a modelling gig I was now scrolling through my email's for more gig's when I see a new email.

Hi Y/n,

I am Rose from Fanjoy I was just wondering if you wanted to come model for a youtuber's merch his name is Bobby Mares if you do just respond back to this email in the next week if you don't just ignore it.

Regard's Rose

I responded back...

Hi Rose,

I would love to do this modelling gig for Mr Bobby Mares just give me a time and location we can start early if you want only if Bobby has time.

After responding back I closed my laptop and lied on my back on the lounge soon feeling a buzz on my phone I grabbed my phone and saw a new email from Rose she said "we could do it tomorrow if I'm not busy" I answered back with a "Yes of course" well thats sorted.

It was the next morning I was up and awake it was currently 8am I walked into my bedroom and grabbed an outfit from my closet.

It was the next morning I was up and awake it was currently 8am I walked into my bedroom and grabbed an outfit from my closet

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After changing I walked out of my apartment and headed down the stair's to my car I unlocked it and hopped in.

Starting the engine I backed out of my spot and drove to the Fanjoy studio, Arriving I parked my car and got out I walked into the building and saw a lady Hey are you Y/n -She said Yeh I'm here for a shoot for Bobby Mares -I said Ok just sit here ...

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Starting the engine I backed out of my spot and drove to the Fanjoy studio, Arriving I parked my car and got out I walked into the building and saw a lady Hey are you Y/n -She said Yeh I'm here for a shoot for Bobby Mares -I said Ok just sit here and I'll go get Rose -She said Ok thank you -I said finding a seat and sitting down.

"Yn" I hear I looked up And stood up Hi -I said "Hey thank you for doing this" -She said Of course -I said we walked into the photo studio "Hey Bobby this is Y/n she will be the model for today" -Rose said I looked at Bobby and Oh my god I think I fell in love we stared into each other's eyes.

"Alright lovebird's wake up we got some photo's to shoot' -Rose said Mhm uhm hi Bobby my name's Y/n -I said Uh hey your really pretty -He said Thank you -I said.

I got changed into Bobby's merch and we got straight to doing pose's we did solo poses then duo's, After the shoot I got changed into my normal clothes and said goodbye to everyone.

So I was now going to model for most Youtuber's and Social media Influencer's on Fanjoy, I walked out the door and to my car opening my car door "Wait wait" I hear.

Looking up I see Bobby Oh hey Bobby -I said Hey Y/n I was uh wondering if I could get your number -He asked Yeh of course -I said passing my phone to his.

The End.

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