Crawford- Camping in our backyard

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What's up girl's and boy's today we are back with another video I'm Crawford -He said I'm Y/n -I said Today we are going to be camping in our backyard now we have 3 dog's here so hope they don't intrude -He said But I have set a challenge for me -I said What baby -He said Steal Barrie from Jc's room tonight -I said Damn Jc is currently at the Camboy's HQ Ryan is in his room Brian's gone and I am here -He said.

Yes Jc does know I'm here I slept here last night and he does know we're camping just not that I'm stealing his dog -I said Damn baby -He said.

We pitched the tent and got our interior done Alright so it's currently 6pm I'm ordering dinner right now were getting Pizza Hut -I said to the camera.

Hearing a knock on the tent door Who is it -I said Pizza -Jc said Oh come on in -I said Jc soon walked Ooh it's vibey in here -He said passing me the pizza Thank you -I said Well I'll leave ya'll two alone no dirty stuff please Ryan come's out in the middle of the night -Jc said Haha of course we won't -I said Thank you -He said Night Jc -I said Night Y/n night Crawf -He said Night Jc -Crawf said.

That pizza was amazing I put the box in the corner Ok so were gonna go to bed now it's 9pm I'm gonna wake up at 1am and do my challenge -I said Night people -I said Night -Crawf said turning the camera off.

Crawf laid one arm under my head and wrapped the other around my waist Night baby -He said Night Crawf -I said kissing him.

Waking upto my alarm going off "mhm" -I groaned I got out of Crawford's arm's and grabbed the camera Good morning people -I said it's 1am time to do the challenge now your probably like Y/n how you gonna hold the camera and Barrie at the same time Well I bought a go pro so to my future self have fun editing -I said.

I slipped the go pro on my head and turned the camera off and turned the go pro on. Opening the tent door I walked out and closed it a little bit.

Opening the sliding door I walked in and left it open, I walked to Jc's bedroom and quietly opened the door Barrie eyed me Barrie come here baby -I whispered she ignored me very nice.

I walked up and patted her I pushed her to stand up which she did and I picked her up which she groaned Shh -I whispered Sorry Bambi -I said, walking out of Jc's room I put Barrie outside and shut the door and ran back inside and shut Jc's bedroom door.

Running back outside I allowed Barrie to go into the tent I pulled the Go Pro off Challenge Successful -I said turning the camera off I put it down and I slipped into bed and laid my head on Crawf's arm as he immediately curled upto me.

Barrie jumped up and cuddled to me as I wrapped my arm's around her. Has anyone seen my dog -I wake upto Crawf Y/n -Jc said I got out of the bed and opened the tent and Barrie stuck her head out What The fuck how'd you get in their -Jc said She preferred me over you -I said Ok did Crawf really steal my dog -He said No it was me -I said What damn Y/n gave me a heart attack -He said Oh boohoo -I said.

Me and Crawford slept more till probably about 10am Jc let us keep Barrie after she did her business and that was Camping In Our Backyard.

The End.

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