Jc- Hot Ones

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Hello chat welcome I'm gonna bring the guest when we have more people -Jc said Ok we have a lot of people in, Welcome back to the stream chat today we are doing another episode of Hot One's today we are with the special guest My Girlfriend Y/n -Jc said Hey -I said waving at the camera Ok so basically 1st we will do a formal introduction like name, age, favourite thing's, job then the competition which is you eat a wing then I ask a serious question then a wing and so on -He said Ooh ok I'm excited for this -I said.

Ready -He said Yep -I said Go -He said Ok My name's Y/n Y/l/n I am 30 year's old I am a singer have been for 20 year's so since I was 10 fav colour is Yellow, food Taco's, sport swimming, boyfriend Jc Caylen -I said smiling Yep that's me so if you like her fuck off -Jc said I laughed.

Ok babe first wing -Jc said Let's do this -I said I grabbed the wing an ate it oh that's not bad at all easy -I said Ok first question is when did we meet -Jc asked Oh easy we met in highschool we were neighbour's until you had seen me go to my house next to your's and you had the longest crush on me for what 2 year's but we had become like best friend's in the last year of highschool when you came upto me -I said Great job babe ok next wing -He said which I ate.

Ok next question is who was the next camboy you met after me -He asked I'd have to say Kian cause of 02L -I said True -He said we took another wing an ate it Ok next Favourite Camgirl -He said Probably Franny -I said Why's that -He said Well she's been their for me she's like my little sister I love her to death so yeh -I said She is a great woman -He said Exactly and she probably is one of the Og girl's I think the Og are me her and Ayla -I said That's also true you and Franny more then Ayla though -He said Yeh true -I said.

We ate a wing Alright next question is when is our anniversary and what year would it be -He asked Ooh ok April 7th it would be friend's for 15 year's dating for 13 year's -I said So April 7th and 13 year's -I said Damn baby you did great -He said we ate a wing Ooh it's getting hot how many more -I said 5 more -He said so 6 more question's -He said Ok -I said.

The question is why aren't we married -He said Oh this one I get asked this nearly every bloody day -I said We will get married in the future our date's were when Jc is 32 so next year but we weren't into wedding's and marriage at the young age but now were getting to it -I said True and we were so busy Kian's a dad now so I think it's only right -He said.

We ate the wing Next kid's -He asked Uhm I found out at a young age that I couldn't have kid's so yes I was scared to tell Jc but he was by my side every minute but we want to adopt we've got the money and I think it will be fun -I said Yeh I mean it was heartbreaking to see Y/n in pain everyday from the new's for a whole month but I am open to adoption -He said.

We ate the next wing Ooh that is spicy -I said Question is what was your first thought's about me -He asked Oh uhm absolute weirdo but bad boy -I said Geez why -He said Well because you got in trouble alot and then you would act weird but you were hot -I said Thank's babe -He said.

The next wing was a hot one Question is Fav camboy beside me -He said Oh Andy for sure -I said why -He said He may be angry british Andy to everyone watching he has road rage but behind camera's he honestly is a nice sweet boy that yeh does have anger moment's -I said Aww sweet -He said.

My mouth is on fire right now after eating that wing Ok Jeep or Tesla -He said Jeep because it's special to me we kinda had our first date night leading to more in that car -I said Alright we can stop their -He said I started laughing.

Last one the hottest one -He said Oh geez -I said eating the wing Oh god -I said Ok Are you proud of me -He said Fuck yes Jc you mean the world to me, If I wasn't proud I wouldnt of stuck around for 15 year's and 13 of them dating you -I said Very true -He said.

Ok chat that's the end of the stream I'm gonna go spend time with my girlfriend thank's for watching here and Youtube -Jc said Bye chat -I said.

Jc ended the stream Bed baby -He said Yes -I said we walked out of the streaming room to the living room I waved at Ryan who was watching sport Night Ryan -Jc said Night guy's -He said.

After getting into pajama's I crawled into bed with bambi going crazy on top of me licking my face Calm down Bambi geez -I tryed getting out.

Bambi left me alone to go fight with Barrie over a toy that I chucked the bed went down and I looked beside me to see Jc getting in bed My mouth is on fire -I said groaning You want something -Jc said Yes please -I said Ok -He said Putting his lip's to mine kissing me passitionately.

The End.

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