Rec- Someone call 911 she needs help

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It had been known that me and Rec had a crush on eachother in the friend group everyone knew but we didn't dare tell eachother we were scared but today it happened.

Coming out of my room I was roomie's with Brian which he was never their and I was comfortable sleeping with him as he was gay and he was one of my closest friend-s, number one probably Andy.

I'm also British and I have been friend's with Andy since we were born we were the same age only 5 day's apart him older our parent's best friend's and our older brother's best friend's to but have we dated yes did it work out no but were still friend's in the end.

Sitting on the lounge next to Ryan playing with Barrie Alright roomie's Tonight were having a get together with everyone we have hibachi coming to our house their will be alcohol so get ready Crawf you make a playlist you don't need to dj just make a playlist to just let play, Y/n your on inviting people Ryan and me are on cleaning and Brian's not here -Jc said Woo -I let out.

I went to my room and sat at my desk and grabbed my clipboard and pen, and got to writing name's for the party Jc sent me a list of people he had in mind everyone else did to and me so I just created a new list.


That was the list so I grabbed my phone and wrote everyone basically the same message...

Hey ..... Hibachi night tonight at Jc's meet at 4pm to 6pm latest dresscode is Winter
RSVP at 2pm latest, Have a great whole day xxx

After sending all the message's I had a quick shower and just got into a crop top and short's, walking into the living room Jc you want me to ring table and chair's people -I said Yeh at like 3 or 4 -he said Ok want me to go get drink's and some snack's -I said Yes I'll go with you, you good here Ryan -Jc said "Yep all good -He said Ok we'll be back -I said.

After sending all the message's I had a quick shower and just got into a crop top and short's, walking into the living room Jc you want me to ring table and chair's people -I said Yeh at like 3 or 4 -he said Ok want me to go get drink's and some s...

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Walking out to my car I unlocked it and we hopped into the car So what's the theme -He said Winter cause it's been freezing cold at night time's and tonight's meant to be the coldest -I said Ooh I like it -He said.

We arrived at the shop's and got out of the car I locked it and we walked into the shop's. After grabbing everything we need from alcohol to soda to chip's to popcorn to candy Jc paid their was an argument.

Making it to my car I opened the trunk and we loaded the car up Jc took the cart back and I turned the car on waiting for him to hop in.

I was now reversing into the driveway You don't need to go anywhere today do you -I said No if I do I can take your car right -He said Yeh of course -I said.

We unloaded the car and I shut the trunk and locked the car, walking inside I put my key's in the bowl of key's and I got to unpacking the bag's putting the snack's in the kitchen I loaded the drink's into the outside bar fridge.

After everyone did their job's we decided to get ready I already had a shower so I just changed.

Everyone had RSVPed to me everyone was coming so I got straight on the phone for 23 seat's and one massive table and a little fold up table for the Hibachi people to put their thing's on

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Everyone had RSVPed to me everyone was coming so I got straight on the phone for 23 seat's and one massive table and a little fold up table for the Hibachi people to put their thing's on.

Waking outside I found my seat and sat down and played my phone feeling arm's wrap around me I looked up to see Andy What's up love -He said Hey lad -I said What ya doing -He said Just chillin -I said Oh ok do you want a drink -He said Yes plz just a whiteclaw thank's -I said Alright -He said.

Getting my drink from Andy I thanked him and everyone was now here and the hibachi people as well they got to cooking while we conversated.

Funnily Rec was put next to me the food was delicious I thanked the people for coming and they were on their way out.

We were all slowly reaching drunk level I needed to piss so I stood up and walked up the first step but slipped and fell on my face on concrete and rolled down to the 1 other step and knocked out.

Friend's POV
Hearing a knock Jc looked up Holy shit Y/n -Jc yelled What the fuck -Rec said running over someone call 911 she's bleeding and unconscious -He yelled Chelsea got straight on the phone to the paramedic's and they were soon at the door.

The Paramedic's took Rec and Andy to the hospital with them Y/n only had a broken cheek, bloody eye, most likely black eye, 10 stitches.

Waking upto beeping I opened my eye's and looked around seeing Andy and Rec knocked out together and Jc on his phone Jc -I whimpered Hey Y/n your awake -He said What happened -I said You must've slipped on the stair's and broke your cheek and a black eye 10 stitches -He said Oh wow yeh I was drunk -I said, He laughed.

Andy and Jc left because Rec wanted to chat to me What's up Rec -I said I was so scared -He said to me looking at me It's ok Rec I'm here -I said Are you & Andy dating -He said What where has this come from -I asked Just answer -He said No we used to for like 4 month's but were only friend's he's really protective and we've been friend's till we were born I look at him as a protective brother and I have my eye's on someone else -I said Oh what's his name -He said Can't say -I said Look's like -He said Nope -I said Favourite thing about him -He said Sit tight -I said Ok -He said He's funny, youtuber, caring, been their for me, nice looking -I said He seem's like a nice guy Y/n I'm proud of you -He said Rec -I said Yeh -He said It's you idiot -I said Oh really wow you sure -He said Yes Rec -I said Oh well I like you to -He said Really -I said Yes in fact everyone know's but I didn't tell Andy because I thought you guy's were dating and I thought he was gonna punch me in the face I know he's my roomate but yeh -He said I wouldn't let him do that to you in fact I would knock him out but don't worry He was the first person I told that I liked you -I said Ok it's getting serious now -He said I started laughing.

The End.

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