Crawford- 🔥Chip Challenge🔥

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I was currently sitting on the lounge rubbing Barrie's belly and watching some random tv show, Y/n Crawford go get ready -Jc said Today we were filming the One chip Challenge in a Library for Jc's stream as he was doing a Subathon.

Walking into the bedroom I quickly changed.

Walking out of the room no one was their so I'm guessing their in the car I walked outside closing the door behind me and hopped in the backseat Let's go die -I said as the boy's laughed

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Walking out of the room no one was their so I'm guessing their in the car I walked outside closing the door behind me and hopped in the backseat Let's go die -I said as the boy's laughed.

We arrived at Devonte's house he came outside No fucking way -I said This man really dressed up -Crawford said he hopped in the car Hey Devonte -I said "It's Nathaniel" -He said Oh I'm sorry Hi Nathaniel Devonte is a dick anyway your much better -I said "You did not" -He said I did to Nathaniel -I said.

We are now at the Library after stopping by the gas station I got out of the car and walked around to Crawford Ready Baby -He said No I'm gonna die were all gonna die who's gonna come find us -I said Calm down -He said laughing.

Making it inside we sat down me next to Crawford everyone was streaming except me.

My phone's on 6 percent let's do it now -Jc said I opened my chip packet up I leaned up and kissed Crawford Their's your last kiss before I die -I said Thank's baby but were dying together -He said True -I said.

"3, 2, 1" -We all counted down I scoffed the chip down shouldn't of done it and swallowed it I stood up Holy shit -I whispered.

Grabbing the milk I sculled it Omg this is nice -I said Jc had 1 percent so we bolted we all went different way's until I felt heatness over my body.

I was still in the library soon feeling myself black out I dropped to the floor.

Jc's POV

Where's Y/n I need Ice -I said Didn't she go with you Devonte -Crawford said "She's your girlfriend but no" -Devonte said Someine ran to our car I rolled the window open Hey excuse me anyone named Crawford -She said Yeh me -Crawford said Your girlfriend fainted an is in the library unconscious -She said Oh shit -Crawf said getting out of the car he bolted into the library.

Crawford's POV

Hearing that I got out of the car and bolted into the library seeing my girlfriend on the floor closed eye's I bent down Baby wake up -I said I picked her up bridal style and walked to the car after thanking everyone Devonte can you sit in the front -I said "Yeh of course man" -He said getting in the front seat I put Y/n in first and sat down with her head in my lap, brushing her hair with my fingers I instantly felt bad that I left her behind.

Babe stop worrying -She said What your awake -I said Yes and stop worrying you went to go check on yourself like we all did I just got to heated and fainted it's ok -She said Ok but your good -I said Yep all good just really comfy -She said Stay their -I said.

The End.

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