Jc- Training like the Military

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Waking upto someone yelling I groaned an stood up I knew Jc was filming since he slept on the lounge last night with Kian for the video but I didn't know what I rubbed my belly

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Waking upto someone yelling I groaned an stood up I knew Jc was filming since he slept on the lounge last night with Kian for the video but I didn't know what I rubbed my belly.

Yep that's right I was currently 5 month's pregnant with a baby girl both Knj guy's came out with a baby but me an Jc are married.

Walking outside with the dog's Jc -I groaned "Oh shit sorry I forgot you were here Y/n" -Marcus said All good -I said smiling Sorry baby -Jc said standing up an kissing me Go back to sleep -He said.

I walked back into the bedroom an laid in the bed I put a show on the tv an watched it as Jc let the dog's in an they jumped on the bed Bambi's head going straight to my belly.

I walked back into the bedroom an laid in the bed I put a show on the tv an watched it as Jc let the dog's in an they jumped on the bed Bambi's head going straight to my belly

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Opening my eye's I sat up an drank some water I put an outfit on so I can go to Target an spend so much money with Ayla as you know she's a mum an I'm becoming a mum.

Walking into the living room I didn't see no one so I grabbed my car key's an walked outside to my car.

Walking into the living room I didn't see no one so I grabbed my car key's an walked outside to my car

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Hopping in I turned it on an drove out of the driveway as Jc's car wasn't in the driveway. Driving on the main road I saw Kian an Jc I pulled over Jc -I yelled leaning over my wheel he looked up to see me Hey baby -He said walking over.

I'm just heading to Kian's house to get Ayla an then I'm gonna spend some money at Target do you want anything -I said We need more dog food an get some candy -He said I nodded Leave the dog food in your car it's to heavy an I don't want you lifting it into the house -He said Ok thank's for your girlfriend Kian -I said honking an driving away.

Pulling into Kian's driveway I honked an soon Coast an Ayla came out Ayla put the car seat in an hopped in the passenger Aw your bumb look's so cute -She said rubbing it Thank you she's kicking she's actually really fiesty get's it from her dad -I said reversing out Ayla laughed.

We pulled into the garage of the shopping mall I parked an got out Ayla took the stroller out an put Coast in it Hello buddy -I said doing peek a boo with him So I want you to push him so you can practice -Ayla said Ok -I said pushing Coast into the elevator we went up an walked into the level.

Going into Target we shopped for a bit me finding some cute thing's Ayla also bought some thing's for Coast Ayla put the Dog food in the cart an then we loaded up on the candy an snack's an then went back to the car.

Going into Target we shopped for a bit me finding some cute thing's Ayla also bought some thing's for Coast Ayla put the Dog food in the cart an then we loaded up on the candy an snack's an then went back to the car

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We loaded the car Do you want to stay over while the boy's film an help me with the nursey -I said Of course -She said I drove back home seeing Jc's car I reversed into the driveway an we got out.

Opening my trunk I walked inside with Ayla Do you want Coast in me an Jc's room -I said as I saw the boy's an Crawf with Vic, Rec an Mando outside Yeh sure -She said.

I opened the sliding door an everyone looked at me Your fav is here -I said "Yep" -Kian said as Ayla walked past me I glared So how much was the damage -Jc said holding my waist Well you know you don't need to know but I did find some cute stuff like Daddy's princess, daddy's little girl shirt's -I said.

He laughed Mhm how much -He said tickling me $200 on baby thing's but $40 on snack's don't come at me I have craving's an $20 on dog food -I said That's actually not bad -He said tapping my thigh.

Since Kian an Ayla had to go home I was in the Nursery designing it Jc was streaming a bestfriend game with Kian as they had gone home 2 hr's ago.

I grabbed the book's an knocked on Jc's door him probably not hearing me so I walked in Jc -I said Yes darling -He said Can I quickly show you these 2 book's I got -I said Of course baby -He said facing me I put the book's up Aww they are cute also I'm high -He said I can tell -I said laughing He glared Not like that I can see your stick's -I said Oh yeh -He said.

Chat look what my baby picked up today -He said taking the book's an showing them Aren't they cute -He said Also Hi chat -I said waving Sorry for interrupting baby what would you like for dinner -I said Interrupt anytime baby an what is babygirl craving -He said rubbing my belly Mhm Chick Fil A -I said Then it's Chick Fil A -He said.

I sat on the lounge with Barrie an Bambi soon Crawford walked out Hey Crawf would you like some Chick Fil A for dinner I'm ordering -I said If you don't mind -He said Of course not here put your order in -I said passing my phone to him.

The food was here Crawford went into his room I walked into Jc's game room an passed his food to him Baby could I finish this game an I'll come join you in bed -He said All good don't worry I'm tired so I'll most likely be asleep -I said kissing him Thank you baby get some rest -He said rubbing my back.

The End.

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