Dyl- Teaching Dyl/Wyl how to speak French

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Hey guy's welcome back to the Dyl & Wyl youtube channel today we have my girlfriend here to teach us French ready babe -Dyl said Yeh -I said I am Born American but Nationality is American and French and I can speak French.

Ok so what do we do first me say a few thing's in french or get straight to the teaching -I said Say a few thing's -They said Ok Salut, je m'appelle ton nom, c'est Dyl et assurez-vous de vous y abonner -I said Ok you said Hi and my name you talking shit about me babe -Dyl said No I said Hi my name is Y/n this is Dyl and Wyl make sure you subscribe to them -I said Oh wow thanks Y/n -Wyl said Ok now teach us -Dyl said Ok so first I'm gonna say a word and you have to guess what that is in France -I said Ooh ok -They said.

First is livre -I said That's hard -They said that's why I'm teaching you, think -I said Ok -Wyl said Shoe's -Dyl said No -I said What -They said Book -I said second is tournage -I said Oh jesus christ -Wyl said Haha -I said Ok that's filming -I said Ok can we like you just say a thing and what it is in English I don't like guessing I just want to learn -Wyl said Sure -I said.

Ok Voiture is car, Londres is London, étoile is Stella, chienne is female dog, merde is shit, Putain is Fuck -I said Let me write the swear word's down -Dyl said which made me laugh.

After the boy's learnt French they could be fluent if they wanted to maybe not what thing's are but speaking sure definitely in the swearing section.

The video finished Thank's for that Y/n I think I'm pefect in French now -Wyl said No problem anytime -I said the boy's packed their camera stuff up and we went our own way's.

I crawled into bed with Stella Hi bubba -I said patting her she licked me on the face Haha stop it -I said Baby you want to take Stella on a walk -Dyl said Yeh let's go -I said as he helped me up and pecked me on the lip's.

I put my shoe's on and grabbed Dyl's hand and we walked out of the house with Stella So babe can you speak french -I said Merde -He said Alright just a swear word I knew it -I said Then you say something about me -He said Ok -I said.

Je t'aime bébé, tu es un truc sexy, mon amour -I said Well I know it was good you called me sexy -He said I laughed Yep I said I love you baby you sexy thing my love -I said I love you to princess -He said kissing my head and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

The End.

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