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(Garry's POV)

I boarded a plane right after Cedric called me. I can't help but feel so excited that my sister wants to see me.

I thought she hated me when she knew the truth since she disappeared afterwards.

Though I heard from Bangtan that they still got to see her a week after she found out, just to give them a new manager.

And Miyoung also ran away that night. Luckily, we found her after a few weeks, selling vegetables at the countryside.

I wanted to blame her, but why should I? It's our mistake for keeping it from her.

She deserved to know, but we were too scared.

I was too scared.


I turned to my brother and smiled. "Yea, finally."

* *

After hours of travel, we arrived at Prague.

Giann tapped my shoulder. "I think that's Cedric."

I turned to where he was pointing and surely, it was Cedric running towards us.

He gave us hugs. "Come. She's waiting for you."

We walked with Cedric until we reached a flower shop.

"Stay here. I go fetch her", he said before entering the shop.

We seated ourselves on the nearby bench and a few minutes later, out came a lady with a bob cut, in a cute floral dress..

with a bump.

Giann stood in shock. "GL? What happened to you?!"

GL rolled her eyes and approached us. "Duh. Can't you see I'm pregnant?"

I stood up and she gave me a tight embrace. "I missed you. I'm sorry if I made you worry."

She let go to hug Giann, too.

I scanned her once again.

An image I never thought she would even imagine.

She looks so plain.


Is this the magic of motherhood?

"So, how was your flight?", she happily asked.

"Good", I answered.

Giann is still not dropping his bewildered face. "Who did this?"

Cedric nervously chuckled, and scratched the back of his head. GL held his arm.

Giann pointed at Cedric. "You?"

Giann was about to pounce at Cedric when I got hold of his coat.

"Hold your horses, Giann! You're gonna stress GL. That's not good for the baby", I said as I pulled him away.

GL smiled and hugged me again. "Thank you."

I pushed her gently and bent down to level her height. "Let's go home?"

She looked at me with worried eyes then turned to Cedric. He gave her a nod.

She smiled.

"Wait. Wait. Can someone please explain all these to me?", Giann interrupted.

Cedric approached Giann who looks so stressed out.

"It's true that we're together. We actually started dating after she said yes at the orphanage. I'm sorry if we kept silent about it."

Giann turned to GL, sighing. "So you ran to Prague when pregnancy test was positive?"

She nodded. "I was scared."

"So I went all the way to find her because that was the only reason I could think of for her to run away", Cedric added.

I approached Cedric. "I'm expecting you're ready for the consequences."

Cedric nodded. "I love her. You have nothing to worry about."

"You're leaving as soon as tomorrow, right?", he asked me. I nodded.

"We're going with you."

* *

I turned the doorknob and invited myself in. "Mom?"

She looked at me and smiled.
Dad did, too.

"She's home", I said with a smile.

I gently pulled GL inside the room.
Giann and Cedric followed.

"GL! Oh my daughter!", Mom said as she rushed to her and gave her an embrace.

GL couldn't help but cry.

"Dad?", GL called as Mom let her go. She slowly approached the bed and cried even more.

"Daddy, I'm sorry", she sobbed as she held his hand. Dad sat up and hugged her, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm sorry for making you worry", she apologized again as Dad wiped her tears away.

He shushed her. "Daddy's fine now. My princess is back."

GL calmed herself. "I was too scared to tell you. I had to run away. "

Noticing the big bump, both Mom and Dad sighed.

"I'm sorry", she apologized one more.

"Cedric?", Mom called out.

Cedric, who's standing beside me, gulped before approaching my Mom.

I chuckled.

"I don't like that you hid this from us", she said.

Cedric closed his eyes and dropped on his knees, head low. "Chuisuhamnida (I deeply apologize).

He turned to Dad, who is glaring at him, without standing up.
He bowed again. "I'm very sorry."

Mom patted his shoulder and motioned him to get up. "I hope you know your responsibilities, Cedric."

He bowed at her. "Yes, Mrs. Wu. And if it's not to much, I would like to ask for your blessings."

GL's eyes widened.

Right now? Really?

Mom nodded. "Of course."

Cedric turned to Dad. "Sir?"

Dad smiled. "I want you to know, GL deserves a grandious wedding."

Cedric can't help but feel so happy. He hugged Mom and shook hands with Dad. "Thank you so much!"

He turned to GL and hugged her. "We're getting married!"

GL chuckled through her tears, and hugged him back.

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