Mr. Stranger

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(GL's POV)

"He is so unfair."

These words are running in my mind as I walk around aimlessly.

It's 10 o'clock in the evening and kids my age should be expecting calls from their parents asking them where they are. But I'm different. They trust me so much they don't even have to worry where I am.

Damn, I'm so furious. He never hears out my opinions first before deciding.

I stuffed my hands inside my pockets as I kicked a stone angrily. Letting out a heavy sigh, I leaned against a wall and took out a cigarette out of my pocket.

I need to feel better.

As I was about to light it up, someone grabbed the lighter from my hand.

"Are you crazy? You shouldn't be smoking!", the stranger yelled at me.

I smirked and put a finger inside my ear. "You're noisy."

He put his hands on his waist and I laid out my palm, gesturing him to give me back the lighter.

"Unbelievable. Your dad-",

"Did he send you here?", I cut him off.

He let out a ridiculous laugh.

"You can't be a kidnapper, too", I added, looking at his tux and flashy wristwatch. "You look more like a businessman. I conclude you work for my dad", I said before putting the cigarette between my lips.

Before I could even grab my lighter from his hand, he grabbed the cigarette off my mouth first. "I told you already. You can't smoke."

I scoffed. "Why do you care so much?!"

He leaned so close to my face that I can feel his warm breath.

"Because I happen to be your brother, dumbass."

"WHAT?!!"  I pushed him away as hard as I could as I let out a laugh. "You gotta be kidding me."

"Oh yea?" He came closer and offered his hand.

"Sorry to surprise you this much, Ms. Glitters Wu. My name's Giann Wu. Call me 'oppa'", he said, winking at me.

I ignored the handshake as I observed every detail of him from head to toe. I stared at his face for a minute before realizing that I saw this face of his from somewhere. But he looks more matured right now.

I couldn't help but smile as I wrap my arms around him. "Oh my God. It's been so long!"

"Yes. Ten freaking, long years", he said, returning my hug.

"Man! I haven't heard from you all these years and you just freaking showed up!", I said as I broke off from the embrace.

"I'm sorry. We had a lot to take care of in Korea that coming back here in Canada became tiresome", he explained.

"You keep on saying 'we'. Are you talking about my other brother and you? We have another brother, right? I think that was you and him I keep on seeing in the old photo albums. When you were still very little", I asked.

"Yeah. Garry. He's the busiest between the two of us", he said as we sat on a nearby bench.

"That's why he ain't here?"


"Is he the fat one in the photos?"

He smiled. "Yea."

"Is he still fat till now?"

"No. He's so skinny now."

"By the way, why didn't you at least call? I almost forgot I had brothers."

"We do. But only if it's about the company."

"He's really-"

"And we call Mom, too. Oftentimes. Asking her if she's doing fine, if you're doing fine."

"How come I didn't know?"

"C'mon. You ask too much. Just be happy that I'm finally here in front of you."

I just wanted to argue with him but I chose not to so I just sat there in silence.

"Are you happy oppa's here?", he suddenly asked.

"What's that?", I asked.

"Oppa? Older brother? You don't know that?"

"I can't speak Korean."

"That's sad."


He was just silent so I took the opportunity to ask. "Who's older?"


"You or Ga.r...Garry, right?"

"Yea. It's Garry-hyung."


"Well.. 'Oppa' is for the females to call older males while 'Hyung' is for males to call older males."

"That's confusing."

"But you have to learn that, though. You're Korean."

"I know."

"And going to Korea will really help a lot."

"So, you know?"

"Of course."

"Is he good-looking?"


"Garry... op-..oppa."

"Sure. He's a baby face. How about me?"


"Am I good-looking?"

"No doubt. Ugliness doesn't run in the family."

I looked at him and he was already looking at me. We were quiet for a few seconds then we burst out laughing.

"I think we should go now, Glitters. It's getting really late and chilly now", he said as he put his coat on my shoulders.

"It's GL, Giann. Glitters is so gay", I corrected him.

We approached his car and he opened the door for me. "Alrighty then, GL. Now get in... And call me oppa."

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