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(Giann's POV)

"Why did you do this? How?", Mom murmured, sobbing and pacing around the living room.

Hyung and I can do nothing but watch her. We don't even know how to get hold of this situation so what right do we have to comfort her? Dad is siting across me, sighing and thinking what to say next. He can't take his eyes off of Mom who just can't stay still.

"Her mother died 2 weeks ago and I have no other choice but to take full responsibilty. She has nobody except me", he reasoned out.

I want to shout in his face so bad that my mouth trembles. I covered my mouth with my fist and bit my thumb. I looked at hyung who stares outside the window with his hands in his pockets. He looks calm but he can't stop tapping his foot as he sighs once in a while.

"How do we tell GL? Oh my God", Mom sighs as she finally breaks down.
I don't know, either. I don't want to imagine her finding out. Dad stood up and helped Mom get on her feet. He embraced her and I can hear Mom's muffled cries on his chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry", Dad keeps apologizing. Mom hits Dad's shoulder a few times before she pushed him away.

"You lied to us for almost 17 years. That long! You made a fool out of me, Yifan! You lied!", Mom screamed on top of her lungs.

I stood up from the sofa this time and lead Mom to sit down. I sat close to her and rubbed her back. Dad kneeled before her and held her hands.

"I love you", he said. "You know that I love you."

Mom lets go of his grip. "You love me? You raised a child with your mistress for so long without me having even a little idea about it! What if that b*tch didn't die? You could've hidden it from us forever! If you're sick of me, you could've just told me. You were just forced to marry me from the start, anyway. We could've just filed our divorce papers and things would be easier now. This is too much", she said angrily.

It's my first time hearing Mom cuss and say such things. You know sh*t just got real. Hyung is now squatting on the floor like a little kid as he covers his ears with his palms. I turned to Mom and kissed the top of her head. "Stop it, Mom", I said in a quavery voice.

"Do you regret marrying me, Sohee? I never did. I never will. Please don't let me go. Please", Dad pleaded as he buries his face in Mom's lap. He's not crying but the way he clenches his fist and the way his voice shakes lets me know that he's damn serious.

The tear I've been holding in started to flow down my cheek.

"Stand up, Yifan. You look stupid", she said as she helped Dad stand up. She gave her a hug while Dad closed his eyes and tightly hugged Mom. As expected from her, she can't really stay mad at Dad for long.

"I'm sorry. I love you. I really do", he said as he gave Mom a quick but sincere kiss.

So cheesy I think I'm gonna puke. I'm kidding.

"You know what?", Mom said as she lets go. "Let's meet this daughter of yours, right?", she asked as she looked at hyung and me. I smiled at her and hyung gave her a nod. She motioned us to come closer and gave both of us a warm embrace. "We're a family so we're going through this as a family", she said with a smile.

I approached Dad who is looking at us with sorry eyes.
"Of course", I said as I hugged him.
"Let's do this", hyung said positively as he also hugged Dad.

"She will come in any moment now", I told them as I pointed at the front door. "Let's greet her nicely."

"Isn't GL coming yet?", hyung asked.

"I bet she's on her way", I answered him.

Dad excused himself as he went to the washroom. We all prepared ourselves for the arrival of my half sister. I'm not really sure if I'm ready for her. But whatever, what's coming will come.

I was busy playing with my phone when somebody opened the main door. It was the post guard. He bowed at us before speaking.

"You have a visitor. She calls herself Miyoung. Do I let her in?", he asked.

Mom nodded at him. "Yes. Please do. We've been waiting for her."

The guard politely left and Dad followed him outside. Two minutes later, Dad came back with somebody. She has long hair and she estimately stands at 5'5''. I scanned her from head to toe and unlike Dad, she has no fashion sense. She surely got Dad's height but she doesn't resemble him. She looks so harmless and meek. I'm not saying Dad is a bad person but he looks scary. It makes me think that this girl surely looks a lot like her mother.

Dad pushed her gently that made her take a few steps forward. She is hesitant at first but eventually did a perfect 90-degree bow. "Anyeonghaseyo. I am Choi Miyoung. I'm really sorry that I came."

I chuckled at what she said. Mom stood up from the sofa and shook her hand. She didn't even know if she should take my mother's hand so it lead to an awkward handshake. "Don't think like that. You're family", Mom said nicely.

Miyoung let out a deep breath and smiled at her.

"That is my oldest", Mom said as she pointed at hyung. "Garry."
Hyung just stared at her.

Mom pointed at me afterwards. "My second son, Giann."
I gave her a nod.

"And my youngest doesn't seem to be around yet. Let's take a seat", Mom said as she lead her to the sofa.

Just then, GL came in with a messed up sweater.

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