Two Cups of Latte

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(Cedric's POV)

"You actually showed up", I greeted GL as I opened the front seat door for her. Her ears were stuffed with earphones and just quickly went inside the car.

"I thought you would just ignore this date. So, where do you want to go?", I asked. No words came out of her mouth and just continued chewing gum with her arms crossed.

"I know you're not playing any music and you can hear me", I said as I pulled out her earphones. She angrily looked at me.

"Listen, Cedric. One, this is not a date. Two, I am playing some music in low volume. And three, I messaged you earlier that I want to grab some coffee", she said.

"I know about the third one. I'm just asking you which coffee shop you wanna go to."

"Just take me to Starbucks then quickly take me home."

I started the engine and drove off. "Do you have other appointments?"

"With Dad. He told me to be home by 7 but since you're taking me out, I asked for a one hour extension."

"So you actually want to be with me."

"Are we there yet?"

"5 more minutes."

As we reached the coffee shop, she quickly stepped out and proceeded inside like she has nobody with her. I parked my car properly before I went inside and found her comfortably seated.

"Iced Caffe Mocha and cinnamon roll", she ordered me like a waiter as soon as I sat down with her. I called for the real waiter and placed our orders. After waiting, it finally arrived and we peacefully ate. No talking, just chewing and sipping.

"Buy me latte for takeout", she said after she patiently waited for me to finish before she went out, leaving me by myself. I watched her through the glass as she leans against my car, busily tapping on her phone. Is she avoiding me?

I quickly ordered two lattes for takeout. As I approached the glass door, a lady who looks like she's late for something, tripped in front of her and sent the coffee on her hand flying onto GL's sweater. The coffee stained a big portion of her pink sweater. I ran to my car and put the lattes on the car roof.

I recognize that sweater. It's very rare and expensive. And if that's the case? Obviously, she's pissed.

The lady started bowing a lot while apologizing to GL. I held GL by her arms. Better safe than sorry.

"Be careful next time. Go", I told her.

"Omo (oh my)! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to. I was just- I was- I'm just late for an appointment. I'm really sorry", she panicked. She took out her hanky and started wiping the spilled coffee off of GL's sweater.

GL gave her a smile. "It's okay. It's no big deal. Just go to your appointment. I'm not poor so staining this very expensive sweater that you can't afford is fine."

Oh no. Here she goes. She struggled to let go of my grip. I held her even more tightly and motioned the lady to leave. She just stood there, not knowing what to do.


We all looked at where the voice came from.

"Miyoung!" The female stranger rushed to the lady's side. "What is this?! Wait. You're Ms. GL Wu, right?"

GL calmed down. "Let go, Cedric."

So I did. GL moved a step closer to the lady and crossed her arms. "Miyoung", she said as she grabbed the handle of the front seat door behind her. I quickly rushed to the driver's door and unlocked the doors. "I'm gonna remember that", she said as she stepped in.

I took one last glance at the lady. Her friend is lightly hitting her on her arm, asking her if she knew who she just messed with. Miyoung's friend noticed that I was still watching so she awkwardly smiled and pushed her friend to the opening door of the bus that just arrived before she turned to the other direction.

"It's past 8, Cedric", GL said. "Did you buy the latte?"

I nodded and handed one of the cups to her. I quickly got in and drove off.

"Thanks", she said on the way.

"No problem", I replied as my eyes landed on her sweater.

"It's okay. I have another one", she said as she caught me looking at it.

I let out a sigh. "So that's why you weren't so angry."

"Yep", she nodded and took a sip from her latte.

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