On the Phone

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(GL's POV)

"I'm sorry. My flight was delayed", Cedric reasoned out as he came inside.

I turned to him. "It's just an hour. I think that's okay", with a kiss.

"So, let's start?", he said as he turned to our assistant.

"Sure thing, sir. May I know your concept? Plans?", she said as she lead us to a room full of beautiful wedding dresses.

"Concept is the norm, black and white. And about the others, I don't care yet. I just want to focus on my own dress right now", I said.

"We have an excited bride", she beamed. "And what would you like?"

"I want it to be conservative, but sexy. I want to stand out without so much sparkles and stuff", I said as I visualized.

"I think you'll like this", she said before heading to a room.

Few minutes later, she came back with a see-through lace gown, flowing with black accent. It's long-sleeved and hides the neck. It seems covered up but the see-through makes the twist.

Just perfect.

"Can I try it on?", I clapped excitedly.

She lead me to a fitting room and came out feeling so fabulous afterwards.

"You look like a princess, just like what your dad wanted", Cedric commented after I took a slow turn.

"That's what I thought so, too."

"You want it?", he asked.

I nodded.

"You sure you don't want to see another one?"

"I'll just be confused, then. I don't want to stress myself out. And besides, this is really pretty", I reasoned out.

He nodded at the assistant, and she got the message.

"Now it's your turn", I said as I made a few taps on his chest.

I went back to the fitting room to change.

*Yama nikeum monmeori, yama nikeum monmeo-*

"Hello?", I answered after zipping up.

"After so long.. finally", the voice from the other line greeted.

"Yeah", I said with a smile.

"How do you feel?"

"Good.. pretty excited."

"That's nice. I'm sure your wedding will be top news."

I chuckled. "Nah. It's not that grand."

He did, too. "Yeah right."

"I gotta go now, sir. I still have things to do. See you on my big day?"

"I'll be there."

He ended the call and I immediately went out, only to find my fiance in a flashy tux.

"What took you so long?", he asked.

I shrugged. "I got a call."


"I don't know, but I'm sure that was my parents' friend. A lot of them has been calling and congratulating me since they heard the news."

He fixed his tie and turned to me. "How do I look?"

I brushed his coat and smiled. "Very handsome."

He pecked my cheek then disappeared to change.

"About the flower girls and etcetera, I can't really make them all come at once. But I told them they can only do the fitting this week, so I want you to expect them", I told their manager.

She nodded. "Of course."

"And I want it all to be ready in three weeks", I added.

She smiled. "Perfect and ready."

I smiled back, satisfied. I turned to Cedric who just came back from changing. "I set everything already. Let's go."

"Oh? Okay."

I thanked the manager once more then left.

"What else is still there for us to prepare?", Cedric asked as he opened the door for me.

"That was the last one. So I guess all we have to do is wait until our big day", I said with a smile.

He opened the car door for me. "You're so excited.

I slipped in and waited for him to be seated.

"Of course", I answered as I sealed his lips with mine.

* *

(Cedric's POV)

I pulled away when my phone rang.

"Hey hey. How was the fitting?", Khione said before I could even say hi.

"My bride will undoubtedly steal my moment with her dress."

Khione laughed.
GL rolled her eyes.

"So, how was the meeting?", I asked.

"Okay. We got a contract", she said.

"All right! Amazing sister right here", I beamed.

She chuckled. "Whatever."

I sighed. "I know handling the company is hard so, I really appreciate everything you do."

"You're being dramatic again, gege (older brother). It's fine! You're running the school yourself. It's quits."

I smiled.

"I'm hanging up now, gege. I'll call Thalia."

"Okay okay."


"Bye. See you next week."

"Kendric must be crying again", GL said as she checked the time. "I've been gone the whole day."

"Let's buy him that snack that looks like small burgers", I said, trying to remember what it is called.

She rolled her eyes. "Macaroons."

I nodded. "Yea! That one."

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