Crown U.

12 1 0

(Miyoung's POV)

"Kamsahamnida (thank you), Taeyang-oppa."

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?"

"It's okay. Taking me here is enough."

"But I'll pick you up later, okay?"

"No. It's-"

"Cheonhwahae (call me)."

"Okay, fine. Arassoyo (I understand)."

"Nachunge bwa (see you later)."

"Ye (yes)."

I closed the door behind me and turned around to wave at him as he drives away. When he took a turn, I sighed and gripped on my Marc Jacobs sling bag, a present I got from Dad.

I turned around to face the school. Anyone would know that this is not some cheap school just by looking at the wide, beautifully designed metal gates. I looked up to the topmost of it and the neatly twisted metal formed the word CROWN.

I'm standing a few feet from the entrance and everything before my eyes is so breathtaking. Fancy cars are parked on the huge parking lot. Drivers come out in suits as they open the door for rich-looking kids. Some even hold umbrellas for them. I even recognize some faces that I've seen on newspapers and magazines. I just want to run away squealing because I can't believe I'm going to be here for the rest of the school year, if I pass. But if it's only up to me, I don't really care if I don't. It's enough that I have stepped in the illustrious school everyone wants to go to and where the globally popular drama, The Heirs, has took place.

Getting enrolled to this school is better though. Well, I should just work hard.

beep! beep! beeeeeeeeep!

Surprised, I quickly stepped away from the driveway I'm blocking. I scratched the back of my head and bowed sincerely for apology.

"Bikyeo choseyo (get out of the way please)", the guy's voice from the car told me. "Do you even value your life?"

Jinjja (really). How can he take this too seriously? I lifted up my head to look at him. He was wearing aviator sunglasses and he doesn't look so happy. I don't really care if he even cusses me. I don't really care if it's from one of Korea's best actors, Sehun "Sean" Kim.

"Oh. Y-yes. Of c-course. I will", I stuttered.

He just shook his head and rolled the window back up. He then went inside the gates as soon as the guard opened up for him.

"Hey!", someone from the approaching car called out to me. It was that tall guy that accompanied GL. "Miyoung, right?", he asked as he took his hand out of the window for a handshake.

"I told you to ignore her", I heard GL say in some sort of whisper. She doesn't even look shocked at my presence. I guess Mrs. Wu has already told her about me taking the CrownU test.

"Ya. C'mon GL", he said as he still waits for me to take his hand. I snapped out of it and quickly shook his hand. He flashes me a wide smile. "Want a lift?"

Even with shades on, I can feel GL glare at me. "No No. I'm fine, seonbaenim (senior). It's not so far anyway. I can walk comfortably", I politely refused.

"Well. Okay. See you around then", he says as he rolls the window back up and drives inside.

After a few sighs, I finally decided to enter the school. Everything was just as I imagined it to be. High-quality facilities, clean and green environment, decent-looking and famous people here and there. I feel out of place but lucky.

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