Printed Papers

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(Meisha's POV)

My first class just ended and I'm heading to the mini-park at the center of the school to spend my 1-hour break. I sat on a bench and as I opened my eyes after stretching, it caught something unusual.

I leaned forward to get a closer look but people started swarming in front of the wall so I stood up and pushed myself inside the crowd.

"Excuse me, Coming through", I said before managing to get a spot. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth in shock.

"I thought they were friends."
"Is this how she passed the exam?"
"No wonder they're always together."

More of the students are now talking and murmuring after a group of girls got the courage to speak out. I turned around and pushed my way out again.

I have to call GL.

I took out my phone and when I was about to call her, I realized I don't have her number. "Sh*t."

I looked around to find any of her friends, but no one. I ran to the cafeteria, no GL or her friends. Now, my last option: the rooftop. I rushed upstairs and luckily, she was there sleeping.

"GL!", I said as I shook her arm. "Hate me but you really have to wake up."

She removed the hanky off her face and glared at me. "What?"

"You gotta come downstairs. You have too see something."

"Is that really why you came here? Do you want me to kick you?"

I jerked back as she did a quick but short kick. It didn't really hit me but I was surprised.

"No. This is really important. Please."

I begged her until she finally stood up. "This better be worth it", she warned.

We went downstairs. The students backed off as soon as they saw GL.

"Look", I said as I pointed at a section of the wall with bunch of papers stuck on it. She crossed her arms and leaned forward to see what was written.

"Breaking news. The guidance counselor is dating Glitters Wu. Isn't student-teacher relationship forbidden? Is she using him to have a good standing in CrownU? Is the famous GL a fraud?", she read out loud.

She pulled off one of the printed papers. "Interesting. They even got photos of me and Cedric. Great supporting details."

She smiled and crumpled the paper.
"You all believe this sh*t?", she asked loudly.

Some just looked at the ground and remained silent while others shook their head. A few brave ones stared at her.

"This is ridiculous", she scoffed.

She suddenly left and entered a room. She came out a minute later, dragging Yuuki by the hair.

"Ow! What is wrong with you?", Yuuki asked as she tried pulling away GL's hand.

"What is wrong with you?", GL repeated her question before pushing her in front of the 'breaking news' wall.

"Are you saying I did this?", Yuuki asked in disbelief.

"Admit it, Yuuki", GL said calmly.

More people came to watch the scene. I think everyone is here. When they saw the posters, they also started whispering. The teachers obviously want to stop the fight but I saw fear in their eyes as soon as they saw GL involved. In order to not look worthless, they instructed the students to go to their classes but to no use.

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