Chapter 4

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It had been a month since Meerab arrived in Pakistan, and truth be told, she found herself grappling with boredom. The confines of the Khan Haveli seemed to stifle her, leaving her with little to do beyond occasionally observing Maa Begum presiding over the ladies' panchayat. In these gatherings, women would present their problems and wishes, and Maa Begum, with a wisdom Meerab sometimes questioned, provided solutions. Yet, Meerab refrained from interfering, recognizing that it wasn't her place to say anything.

These panchayats, however, proved to be uncomfortable for Meerab. She couldn't escape the peculiar gazes from the women, as if she were an alien among them. The reason remained unknown to her until Maa Begum delicately suggested that Meerab should "dress differently" for these gatherings. Apparently, her jeans and shirts were cause for gossip, prompting Meerab to withdraw from the panchayats altogether.

With her main source of social engagement cut off, Meerab found herself with ample time on her hands. She dedicated herself to improving the orphanage, engaging in online talks with the children there, and managing interactive sessions with the NGOs affiliated with MKGroups. Despite these commitments, her days in the Khan Haveli often felt like aimless wandering, punctuated by thrice-daily meals with Maa Begum, her father, and occasionally Murtasim.

Murtasim Khan, in particular, captivated Meerab's curiosity. She prided herself on her ability to read people effortlessly, yet Murtasim proved her wrong. Meerab could easily label the other members of the Khan haveli with Maa Begum being well-intentioned woman with a heart dedicated to improving the lives of local women. Although her tradition mentality remained the same yet she tried her best to do everything for the betterment of the women who sought guidance from her.

Farukh, Meerab noticed was a soft-spoken, well-mannered, and respectful guy who had an inseparable bond between Murtasim. Although Farukh's role in the Khan Haveli remained unclear to her but he seemed to embody traits that Meerab could easily understand.

Murtasim, in stark contrast to those around him, remained an intriguing puzzle for Meerab. His body language exuded confidence and seriousness, an air of someone who had mastered the art of composure. Every step seemed purposeful, every gesture deliberate, as if he were navigating a world only he fully understood.

Physically, Murtasim cut a striking figure. His athletic build hinted at a disciplined routine, perhaps a testament to a life of order and structure. The perfectly groomed beard and the rolled-up mustache added a touch of sophistication, an element of traditional charm in a modern context. His hair, flawlessly styled and gelled back, further emphasized an attention to detail that mirrored the meticulousness of his demeanor.

In the midst of the Khan Haveli's hustle and bustle, Murtasim spoke sparingly. He kept to himself, creating an aura of solitude that fascinating Meerab. It was as if he harbored a world of thoughts and reflections within, choosing to share them with none. The rare occasions when he did speak were measured and purposeful, each word carrying a weight that demanded consideration.

However, what captivated Meerab the most was the absence of a smile on Murtasim's face. She had never witnessed the curve of his lips in a gesture of genuine happiness. His eyes, which seemed empty most of the time, held depths that Meerab couldn't fathom. They held secrets, untold stories and a complexity that defied easy understanding.

As Meerab observed Murtasim from a distance, she couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries concealed beneath his confident exterior. What experiences had shaped him into this stoic figure? What emotions hid behind those eyes that seemed to carry the weight of unspoken tales? It was a puzzle that Meerab couldn't resist, and with each passing day, her curiosity deepened, driving her to unravel the mysteries that surrounded Murtasim Khan.

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