Chapter 35

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Maa begum had fainted. Farukh, with a sense of urgency etched across his face, turned to Murtasim with a worried expression. In a hushed tone, he urged Murtasim to call their family doctor, Dr. Rehman, without delay. The three of them descended the grand staircase in a hurried descent, anxiety trailing their every step.

As Murtasim dialed Dr. Rehman's number, his voice carried a tremor of concern. The doctor, sensing the urgency in Murtasim's tone, assured him he would arrive promptly. The trio stood outside Maa Begum's room, a whirlwind of worry enveloping them as they awaited for Dr. Rehman's examination to be completed.

"Uncle Rehman, how is she? What happened?" Murtasim's voice carrying a mix of concern and worry as he sought answers in Dr. Rehman's eyes.

Dr. Rehman, a reassuring presence, lifted his gaze from his medical instruments. "She's stable for now. There was a sudden drop in blood pressure that caused her to faint. I advice you to get these tests done to be thorough, but everything seems to be under control. She's resting at the moment, and you all can go in with her," he explained, his words a balm to their anxious hearts.

As Meerab rushed inside, Murtasim extended his gratitude to Dr. Rehman. "Thank you for coming at this hour," he said, shaking the doctor's hand.

Dr. Rehman smiled gently. "Oh, Murtasim, no need for these formalities between us. We're like family," he reassured, creating a sense of comfort in the midst of uncertainty.

"Come, Dr. Rehman, let me see you off." Farukh offered Dr.Rehman. With a nod and a pat on Murtasim's back, Dr. Rehman left the haveli.

As Murtasim entered his mother's room, the soft glow of the bedside lamp revealed Meerab standing vigilantly by the bed. Her hand rested gently on Maa Begum's, worry etched on her face. Maa Begum lay serenely in a deep slumber, her peaceful demeanor was a stark contrast to the apprehension in the room.

Approaching Meerab with quiet footsteps, Murtasim offered a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting a mix of hope and concern. "She's going to be okay, Meerab," he whispered, attempting to infuse a sense of confidence into the hushed atmosphere. Meerab nodded in agreement, her eyes briefly meeting Murtasim's, a shared understanding passing between them.

Sighing, Murtasim sank into the plush sofa, the weight of the situation settling upon him. Running his fingers through his tousled hair, he seemed to navigate a sea of emotions. Meerab glanced at him and had sensed his unease, approaching him with genuine concern. Her voice soft and comforting, as she spoke,"Are you okay, Mr. Khan?"

"I just—it's weird to see Maa like this. It's hard you know, it suddenly brought back all the memories of Baba's illness, the struggles he faced. It's just overwhelming," Murtasim's voice almost like a whisper, his gaze fixed on a distant memory.

Murtasim's gaze remained distant, lost in the labyrinth of memories that had resurfaced. The lines on his forehead deepened, revealing the burden of emotions he carried. Sensing his turmoil, Meerab gently squeezed his hand, offering a silent gesture of support.

"I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you. It's okay to feel this way, Mr. Khan," Meerab's voice was a soothing balm, her eyes reflecting genuine empathy.

As Meerab held his hand, Murtasim managed a faint smile. "You shouldn't worry, as well Meerab. Maa is going to be alright."

Meerab's eyes softened. "Maa Begum is like a mother to me too, you know. When I first came here, at Uncle Shahnawaz's funeral, she hugged me. That was the first time I truly felt motherly affection. And the way she would insist on preparing my favorite dishes or how she calls me 'beta' with such genuine affection. Those moments made me feel like I belonged, like I had a family, a mother here as well.

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